thank you. (authors note)

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this isn't a chapter, sadly. ):

but, it is a thank you.

i got this sudden wave of thankfulness for you guys.

over nine thousand people, all around the world, are reading my short stories. nine thousand is sorta a big number. when you put it into perspective of nine thousand individuals reading your's just utterly insane to me.

i can not thank you guys enough. you all leave such overwhelmingly sweet and nice comments and always compliment my work and they just make me so happy.

so, so, so, so fucking happy.

i don't think you understand how much i appreciate each comment left on each chapter.

they fill my heart with joy and i feel so privileged to have such amazing readers.

you all are so sweet to me, i don't deserve you guys at all!! i so very much enjoy talking to you sweethearts and replying to comments, they make my day.

as an author, the most important thing to me is to make sure my readers are satisfied with what they're reading. that, and making sure i interact with you all.

anyways, thank you all so much, again. for your sweetness, your lovely comments, your compliments, your beautiful personalities.

i wish i could talk to every one of you who read my stories, and i wish i could personally know every single one of you who frequently comment and vote on my stories.

not only does it inspire me to continue writing, but it gives me a sense of safety. you guys make me feel so incredibly happy and safe and feel like wattpad is my safe place - where i won't get judged for liking the things i do, where i won't get shamed for liking the things i do.

i'm gonna go now, i've got school in the A.M. ):

i love each and every single one of you.

thank you for your undeniable support.

i love you, i love you, i love you!

with all my love in the world,


ps im putting a selfie under this cause i feel cute!! (hope you don't mind x)

ps im putting a selfie under this cause i feel cute!! (hope you don't mind x)

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