a journey to a new life

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10 months later
The mysterious person has taken jax under her wing as his mother going by the name Tammy. Through these months Jax has learned to control the powers he has to change into Pokemon and use their moves. Tammy has been training Jax but he can only stay in his pokemon forms if he concentrates. He has not completely controlled it yet. Jax asked Tammy several times to let him become a Pokemon trainer but she has said no each time however this time when he asked she had said yes for some reason.  Jax was confused as to why she said yes but did not hesitate to say that he would try his best to stay out of trouble. She had sighed in relief but also with worry at the same time. She said to go straight to prof. Oak's lab and come straight back once he got his first Pokemon so that she could test his skills as a trainer. He agreed to this whole heartedly as he ran off to the lab. Jax arrived at the lab only to find out that he could only choose from fire-type Pokemon. There was tepig, charmander, and vulpix each with an odd coloration to their coats. It was hard for Jax because he knew what each of them was saying due to his ability. He then asked if he could have all 3. Confused prof. Oak asked why. Jax replied with well if they are all still it means no one wanted them right. Oak seeing that Jax loved pokemon said he could pick 2 of them so there would be at least one for the other trainer that was coming later. Out of nowhere a riolu came running in. Oak  immediately tries to catch it but Jax stops him saying that riolu was injured and needs help. Oak stops and tries to treat it's injuries but riolu stops him and points at Jax. Jax get scared because he has no idea what to do as oak is being repelled by riolu's aura. Oak asks Jax to grab riolu to treat it's wounds. Without hesitation he grabs riolu and puts it on a table calling charmander and vulpix to help. They both run over worried while tepig leaves and sits on the steps to wait. After several hours of treatment riolu wakes up to see Jax and Oak standing over it. Jax asks Oak to give him a few minutes with riolu so they can talk. Oak confused again on how Jax would do that agreed and left the room to sit with tepig on the steps. Jax tries to talk to riolu but it gets up in a fighting stance. In a girly voice riolu says if you want to talk beat me in a battle. Jax hesitates because riolu just got well and he doesn't want to see her hurt again after getting well. He agrees on the condition that if he wins riolu comes along with him on his journey. Riolu agrees but is confused as to how he can understand her. Jax says the she will find out after the battle. Riolu then asks who will he be using to lose the battle enraging both charmander and vulpix but jax stops them and says that he will defeat her himself but lets make this fair fight as he transforms into a riolu which surprises all 3 of them. After that they move to the battlefield outside. Riolu starts the battle with an aura sphere surprising Jax because riolu can't learn that move until it becomes a lucario. Jax dodges and finishes the battle with a single force palm. Surprised by this riolu honored the deal she made. She then began to look at Jax with love in her eyes. Jax then asks chamander and Vulpix if they want to join his team as well. They both eagerly said yes as they were impressed by the skills Jax has. After explaining the situation with his powers to the 3 they all understood and headed toward the lab. When they walked in they noticed prof. Oak was searching for them. Oak sees that riolu is on its feet again and becomes worried wondering if riolu should be up so early after the healing process. Jax asks if he can take riolu with him on his journey. Oak agrees and asks if he chose his starters. He said vulpix and charmander with a smile on his face. Surprised by this decision oak agrees. Oak gives Jax the 3 Pokeballs for the Pokemon and 10 more for catching other Pokemon. He also gave him a green pokedex. He then gives each of his Pokemon a nickname charmander would now be known as Blake, Vulpix is now Kurama, and riolu is now Asura. They all love there new names as he put each of them in their pokeballs and heads home like Tammy said to. As Jax walks home Asura comes out of her pokeball and charges an aura sphere and fires it at a roof hitting a galvantula. Soon they here slow clapping coming from behind them. Congrats on finding galvantula so easily now please come with... Out of nowhere Tammy comes in with an ariados and ties up the man with sticky web. As galvantula starts to wake up both Kurama and Blake come out and use ember on it. Before Tammy can see Jax puts Blake and Kurama back into their pokeballs to hide them. Tammy walks up and sees Asura and tries to congratulation it but she simply hugs onto Jax. Tammy proceeds to ask Jax if he is ok with him replying yes as he picks up Asura. Tammy asks Jax for a battle the next day and Jax agrees only if it can be 3 on 3 which confuses her because she has only seen Asura and beginning trainers usually only have one Pokemon. That night Jax trained the 3 of them so they each had a new move. Asura learned force palm. Blake learned flamethrower. Kurama learned extrasensory. The next day Tammy and Jax had a deal that if she won he would have to wait one whole month before starting his journey and if he one he could start his journey immediately. As the battle started Tammy sent out golem so Jax sent out Asura and the battle started with Asura using aura sphere to deal massive damage to golem. Golem used rock throw to put some distance between it and Asura but Asura used the rocks to deal the final blow with a force palm knocking golem out. Next was Machamp so Jax sent out Kurama.  Machamp used vital throw to try and grab Kurama but it used ember to dodge it and used flamethrower to counterattack. Machamp grew angry and used submission to deal a lot of damage but Kurama remained standing and finished the second battle with extrasensory. Tammy admitted defeat before the third battle could even start. She honored her end of the deal but also warned Jax to only use his powers if he was completely alone or if he was in serious danger. She then handed Jax a town map. He assured her that he would call her once he got to viridian city. Jax packed a backpack and headed toward route 1 only to be stopped by a trainer who just got her first Pokemon asking for a battle to test her skills as a beginning  trainer and so the battle began.

Thank you for reading and if you would like to send me fanart please do i enjoy seeing fanart

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