Ch.13 : The lab and the biggest realization

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After about an hour of sitting outside of the cave where the glalie evolved and attacked them. As they were walking to the next town Jax felt this familiar vibe. Asura felt the same thing but couldn't figure out where she felt it from since it wasn't coming from Jax. It was as if she had been here before. As they continued to walk they made it to the town of lavender.

They made their way to the Pokemon center but were stopped when the doors opened and a trainer walked out and nurse joy yelling that he forgot one of his Pokemon. He called back saying that he didn't want a weak Pokemon like that on his team. This infuriated Asura and Jax to the point where they stormed into the Pokemon center grabbing the pokeball and quickly saying that he would return the Pokemon to him.

As Jax caught up to the trainer they challenged him to a double battle saying that if Jax win he would rethink what he said about weak Pokemon. The boy asked what he would get if he won. Jax answered saying he would adopt the thinking if the boy. The boy agreed and introduced himself as Damion White.

Jax didn't care what his name was all he cared about was teaching the punk boy a lesson. Damion sent out a Muk and a Fearow. Jax chose to use Asura and sent out the other Pokemon to see the legendary Thunderbird Zapdos. Jax was surprised by the stupidity of the incompetent trainer he was facing. The large bird opened it's eyes and looked around asking who is foolish enough to face the almighty legendary Thunderbird and who was foolish enough to think they could command it.

Jax answered saying that Damion called it a weak Pokemon and he only wanted to show the idiotic trainer he was wrong. Damion looked on for some time as the large bird seemed to be talking to the trainer. He soon told his Muk to use sludge bomb to break up the two who weren't taking the battle seriously. Before the poison type could even fire off the attack Asura used force palm to disrupt the focus of the attack and make it backfire and implode knocking the poison type out of the battle. Damion could only look on in amazement at the fact that it only took a single attack to defeat one of his strongest Pokemon.

He sent his flying type Pokemon after the riolu. Just as it was closing in a large bolt of electricity came down from the sky and hit the Fearow. Damion looked to see not only did he lose the battle with both of his Pokemon going down in one hit but that the last attack came from the Pokemon he had just called weak. Damion tried to convince Zapdos to come back to his team. To this the boy was met with a thunder attack and an aura sphere sending him flying off into the distance.

Zapdos turned towards Jax causing Asura to jump in front of Jax to protect him. The Thunderbird told Jax if he ever need the help of an electric type that he and his fellow thunder gods would be at his beck and call he need only summon them. Before the young trainer could even ask what the legendary Pokemon meant or even how to summon it it had flown off into the sunset. Suddenly both Jax and Asura began to suffer from large headaches from out of nowhere. Jax saw that his Pokemon was suffering and thought that it was from the aura connection they had.

He quickly returned Asura to her Pokeball and slowly but surely made his way back to the center. The closer the boy got to the center the more intense the headache became. As soon as he got into the Pokemon center the sudden pain slowly went away. He decided that he would head out the very next morning so he could get some rest. As he got to the room that the center provided he brought out his fighting type to figure out why they both suddenly got a headache.

Asura said that it felt as if she had been hear once before. Jax was confused but left it as it is. They went on for a few hours as they went over a strategy for the next gym which was a grass type gym. Jax planned to use Blake and Kurama as two of his choices but couldn't figure out who would be the third for the upcoming gym battle. They soon fell asleep without figuring out who would be the third.

The next morning Jax woke up not realizing that all his pain was gone. He woke Asura up as she fell asleep on the pillow which was twice the size of her. As they both fully woke up and left the Pokemon center Jax felt a sudden shock go through his right shoulder. This stopped him in his tracks and forced him to look and see a yellow lightning bolt appear on his shoulder.

They soon left the city to head to Celadon city. Soon an eerie mist rolled in out of nowhere which was so thick they couldn't see what was more than two feet in front of them. They continued to walk until they saw a large building to the left of them. Curious they made their way inside to see it was some sort of power plant or nuclear plant or something. They heard footsteps coming from just down the hall. Jax thought quickly and used his ability to camouflage him and Asura until the person passed by

They continued to sneak through the facility  until they came to an electronic door. Jax used his abilities to turn his hand into an electabuzz and shorted out the lock. As soon as the door opened there was a line of windows and doors with nameplates on it. As Jax read the first nameplate it read experiment no. 5. As they looked in through the window they saw something horrible sight. They saw a riolu sitting at the very back of the room unconscious.

As they continued to look through the window they saw more riolu in these rooms until they reached the final one at the end of the hall. It read experiment 1 but the room was empty. Soon they heard a voice saying welcome back experiment 1 and X001

(I hope you guys liked my newest chapter. My older sister thought of the idea for my newest chapter thanx CasHasSass

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