2 - Hello Again!

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You POV:
I walk out of the hotel and sat down on a bench near the front doors, running a hand through my hair. What am I going to do? I thought, This hotel is full and they're aren't any other places I know of.
Sighing, I get up and walk back to my car. Rummaging through my bag, I find the keys and unlock the doors. I get in and start the car.

"I guess I'll go shopping first," I say to myself, "Who knows? Maybe I'll find a place to stay in along the way."
My stomach growls.
"And something to eat" I smile to myself.

~Time skip to a clothing store ( pick your favorite store )~

"Oooh, this is cute!"

I picked out a (f/c - favorite color) scarf and beanie from the selection.
"I think I'll get this."


I jump and turn to see who said my name. I blush a little, "Sean!"

He smiles at me, "Hey! I guess we get to see each other sooner than I thought!" He laughed.

I blush, "Yeah."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing really, just came in to look around, I found these!" I showed him the scarf and beanie.

He chuckles, "Nice."

I want him so bad!...wait, what?!

"Did you check in alright?"

"What?," I shake my head to clear it, "Oh, the hotel...not really."

He looks at me with concern, "Why, what happened?"

"Nothing, they were just out of rooms," I say as I start to walk to the checkout.

He catches up to me, "Aww, I'm sorry about that."

"No it's fine, I'll just have to find a different place, I'm sure there's plenty of other hotels around" I smile.

"Well, yeah there are, but good luck getting any rooms."

I raise an eyebrow, "Why?"

"They're all full as well."

"What?!" I stop and look at him, "What do you mean "full"?"

"Tourists made reservations and every room in every hotel and even the motels were taken, people really wanted to make sure they had a place to stay, I guess." He shrugged.

I nervously ran a hand through my hair, looking back up at him, "How do you know all of this?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his neck, "My friends were planning on visiting but they couldn't due to all the places being reserved. Sorry, (Y/N)."

I sigh, "Don't be, it's not your fault. Why are there so many people though?!"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Just a busy year, I guess."

What am I going to do? I thought.
As if he had read my mind he says, "Hey, I have an idea."

I look up, "What?"

He shuffles awkwardly, "If you want, maybe you could...you could stay at my place." He blushes.

I don't know what I looked like, but I'm pretty sure I resembled a tomato, my face feeling like it was on fire. Did I really just get invited to stay at this guy's house?

"Sean, t-that's nice and all, but you're a stranger, I don't know anything about you. Not to mention I was planning on staying here for about a month." ( A/N: Long trip, I know, but come on, it's Ireland! Who wouldn't want to stay there for a month? /)^v^(\ Ok, back to the story )
Even though I was telling the truth, internally I was screaming "YES!!!"

He blushes, "I understand that, but I'm not the kind of person to leave someone alone when they need help. Do you really want to sleep on a bench in Ireland weather? You'd catch a cold quick." He looks at me with those shocking electric blue eyes, concern and stubbornness swirling in them.
I couldn't help it, I had to say yes, "Okay, I'll stay at your place, even though it's against my better judgement."

I felt both excited and nervous. He smirks, "You won't regret it!"

I smile.

A/N: So how was the second chapter? Sorry I'm so late with it, some things piled up on me! XD I hope y'all enjoy it! I'll be back this weekend for the next two chapters, again, I'm sorry it's so short! Until then, shimmer on my friends! ;)

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So how was the second chapter? Sorry I'm so late with it, some things piled up on me! XD I hope y'all enjoy it! I'll be back this weekend for the next two chapters, again, I'm sorry it's so short! Until then, shimmer on my friends! ;)

The Irish Guy Where stories live. Discover now