10 - Almost

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His lips were so close to mine, he was getting closer...closer...
I woke to the sound of my alarm. I turned over and shut off my alarm, rubbing my eyes, I sat up.
It was all a dream...how much of it WAS a dream though? I got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Sean was already in there, making some coffee as usual. He turned as he heard me come in.

He smiled, "Mornin Sleepyhead, how'd ya sleep?"

"Like a baby," I yawned, "what happened last night?"

"Well, we watched a few horror movies, or at least I did, you fell asleep after the first movie!"

I scratched my head, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yeah, you told me to share my blanket with you, you never let me go after that!"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I hate horror."

He chuckled, "It's okay, I thought you were kinda cute."

I blushed, looking away, a small smile on my face.

"Why did you ask what we did last night?"

I looked up to see him staring at me questioningly.

"Oh, I just...uh...I-I just had a weird dream is all."

"Oh okay, I made some coffee, want some?"

I nodded. Why did I dream of us almost kissing? Almost...that stupid word, it shouldn't even be there! We SHOULD of  kissed! I shook my head, What am I talking about?! I only just met him a week ago, I can't think about this stuff!

Sean's POV:

I was making Y/N her coffee, I stared into the dark brown liquid, thinking about last night. Her cuddling into my chest, me wrapping my arms around her and kissing her forehead, her falling asleep on me after I apologized to her. I love how cute and peaceful she looks when she sleeps, I remember putting her to bed after she fell asleep. I kissed the top of her head before I left. I kissed her twice, I thought, Twice! I kissed her on the head twice! But not on the lips...I was so close...I was almost there...almost...


Hey guys! So, sorry that this chapter is so short, I didn't have anything planned for today's chapter so I had to improvise! I don't think this chapter is very good but let me know what y'all think! I love to hear from you guys! Also, thank you so much for 575 reads! You guys are amazing! Until next time guys, shimmer on my friends! :3

P. S. Sorry if this chapter makes no sense 😖 I'll do better next time!

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