9 - Snowed In ( Part 2 )

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I'm not quite sure how long the hug lasted, but it wasn't long enough, I wanted to stay that way forever.

He loosened his grip on me, putting his hands on my shoulders, looking me square in the eyes.

"Y/n, I'm sorry I can't take you out to look around, I know that's the whole reason why you came, but maybe I can make it up to you."

I smiled up at him, "It's okay, Sean, I will admit I am disappointed I can't go out with you and see the city or the landscape, but I'm not gonna let my disappointment ruin your mood or the day we have together here, I'll be happy just as long as I'm with you."

He smiled, a light blush on his cheeks, "I'm glad I met you, Y/n."

I looked away as I blushed, a small smile forming on my lips, "Dido."

"Hey! I got an idea!" He said excitedly, "Since we'll be stuck here all day, how about we do a horror movie marathon!"

"Not again!" I groaned, "I barely made it through the last one! And that was just one movie!"

He rolled his eyes, "That's the whole point though, it's not a proper horror marathon if you're not at least a little scared!"

I glared at him, "I really hate you!"

He put his hand on his chest, "I-I thought you loved me," he wiped away a fake tear.

I smirked, "In your dreams, Green Bean!"

He stared at me, "Green Bean?!"

"Yep! That's your nickname from now on!"

He rolled his eyes, "whatever, French Fry!"

"Really? French Fry?"

"Yeah, I've seen the way you eat your fries, it fits!"

I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and sat back down on the couch.

"So, what movie shall we watch first?"

I sat down next to him, huffing as I did so.

"Don't look at me, I'm against the whole idea of this marathon!"

"You're such a party pooper."

I sit a little straighter and glare at him, "And I'm proud of it!"

He chuckled at me and started flipping through Netflix. After a little bit of searching he triumphantly yells "AH HA!!" and clicks onto the movie he found.

My eyes widen as soon as I see the name of the movie he picked. Bye Bye Man.

"Nonononono, why this one?!"

Sean looks at me with curiosity, "Have you seen it already?"

"No, but I've seen the trailers and it looks horrifying!"

"Well I haven't seen it either, so we're both in the dark on this one, and I'm sure it's not that scary," he laughed.

~20 minute time skip into the movie~

"Not scary huh?" I squeaked from underneath my blanket. Hearing another scream from the movie, I covered my head with my blanket, I can't take much more of this, I thought.

After another scream I finally had enough. I stood up and turned to Sean. He looked at me with a confused expression, "What?"

I glared at him, "You're making me watch this horrible thing. You're sharing your blanket, so open up!"

He smirked and spread out his blanket. I climbed in with my blanket and got comfortable.

Without warning there was another jump scare and more screams, I screamed and hid my face under the blanket. I felt an arm wrap around me, I looked up to see Sean smiling down at me.

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