7 - Date

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It's been about a week since I came to Ireland, and I still haven't seen everything yet! I hear my alarm go off but I'm already awake. I turn off the alarm and start getting dressed, I pick out a pair of light blue jeans with a purple tank top.

After I'm dressed, I head downstairs to get some breakfast. As I walk into the kitchen I spot Sean by the stove...with no shirt on. I blushed blood red. Well obviously because blood is what causes you to blush!

I was practically melting, but I couldn't look away. He was standing there, in flamingo shorts, cooking eggs and bacon, oh GOD! I made a weird squeaking noise. He turned around. Blushed harder.

He smiled at me, "Enjoying the view?"

I froze.

He snickered.

I gave my head a good shake before replying, "N-No! I'm mean yes! I-I mean..." Great, real smooth Y/n.

He laughed.

I just wanted to crawl into a deep dark whole and die.

He turned back to the food and started flipping the bacon.

I breathed a sigh of relief, At least he isn't staring at me, I thought.

I rush through the kitchen and into the living room and plop onto the couch. I hear him snickering. I wrap myself up in a blanket and turn on the tv.

Sean walks over with plates in his hands, I bury my face in the blanket as he sits down next to me. I hear him clear his throat. I slowly peek through the blanket and look at him, he's holding a plate out to me, a grin on his cute face.

Blushing, I slip my hands through and take the plate from him, "Uh, eh...T-Thank you!"

He grins at me and chuckles.

I realized that he still didn't have a shirt on, I found my eyes drifting down to his chest

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I realized that he still didn't have a shirt on, I found my eyes drifting down to his chest. I quickly shook my head and began to stuff my mouth, trying to cover up my blush.

~Time Skip~

I checked the clock on my phone, 12:30. I heave a sigh.

"What's up?"

I jump and turn to see Sean in the kitchen staring at me.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just bored. No offense, but I haven't done anything super interesting."

He smiles, "None taken, to be honest, I get a bit bored too sometimes!"

I laugh, he smirks and stares.

After a few minutes I start to get uncomfortable, "Uh, Sean?"

He jumps, "What? Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking."

I giggled, "It's ok, what were you thinking about?"

He looks at me, "Well, I was thinking, maybe if you want to, I'll take you out and show you around," he said quietly, a small blush on his cheeks.

My head was going crazy, Did he just ask me out? Does he like me? Does he know I like him? Why is he blushing? WHY AM I BLUSHING?! I looked up, he was watching me with a worried expression, I could tell he was waiting for an answer.

I smile, "That would be awesome! I'd love to go ou- do that with you!" I gulped, Almost let it slip, I hope he didn't catch that.

He practically glowed with happiness, "Great! Awesome! We'll go first thing tomorrow!"

I smiled at him, "Sounds perfect!"

Before I knew what was going on, Sean was hugging me, I hugged back, a slight blush to my cheeks.
I could've swore I heard a muffled "I love you."

Hey guys! I'm sorry this was so late! I got very busy today. I hope this chapter will satisfy you thirsty little weirdos for now! I'm sorry it's so short, don't worry tho, the next one will be longer! I'm so happy I got a new chapter out finally! And I'd also like to thank you all for almost 250 reads! Wow! That's amazing! I'm so happy that y'all are enjoying my story, it means so much when you guys read it! Love you all!❤ okie dokie, I'll see y'all soon with the next update, until then, shimmer on my friends! :3

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