5 - Shopping

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After a few hours of watching tv, it was time to leave. I ran upstairs into my room to get my bright blue converse and a light blue hoodie with my purse.

Once I had my shoes and hoodie on, I ran back down the stairs to the living room to see Sean waiting for me in a beanie and a small but nice hoodieless ( yes I know that's not a word! :P ) jacket.

I couldn't help it, I blushed. He's just too darn cute in that beanie! I bit my lip to stop myself from grinning.

"You finally ready?" He teased.

I playfully punched his arm, "I wasn't even gone for five minutes you doof!"

He giggles as we walk to the front door.

I stand out in the hall of the apartment building while he locks the door, putting the key in his pocket, he turns to me and holds out his elbow, "Shall we?"

I smile and hook my arm through his, "We shall" I say as we walk to the elevators.

~Time Skip~

I yawned. We had been going from store to store, getting several things, for a couple hours now, and I was beginning to feel tired.

I was sitting at a small table in a cute little coffee shop, waiting for Sean to get our drinks. As I looked over to where Sean was waiting in line, I sighed, he was looking at his phone, occasionally brushing his green hair out of his eyes.

He was adorable, standing there looking at his phone with his beanie on top of his green hair, I couldn't help but stare. I began to imagine myself next to him, my hand entwined with his, laughing, cuddling...kissing.

I jumped as I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see Sean holding my coffee out to me.

How long did I space out??

Blushing, I take it and thank him. He sits down on the other chair and sets down two coffee cups on the table in front of him. I give him a confused look, "Are you expecting someone else?"

He chuckles, "No, I just love coffee!"

I giggle and take a sip of my coffee, it was warm and sweet, I sighed with content. I catch Sean staring at me, I blush, instantly remembering my thoughts from moments ago.

He chuckles, noticing my blush but not the reason behind it.

"So...do we have anymore places to go?" I ask, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

He nods, "Just one more store, and then we can home."

I sigh with relief, "Good, my feet are killing me!"

He chuckles at me. I look up to meet his eyes...his eyes...they're so beautiful! I look away and take another sip of coffee before he could see my flaming cheeks.

~Short time skip the store~

I was walking along the store shelves when something caught my eye. I quickly ran over to a little shelf to see it full of cute little green balls with blue irises. I picked one up and examined it, I read the tag on it.

"Septiceye Sam," I read aloud, looking  at the little eye, he was as big as my whole hand. He was too cute to pass up, I had to have him!

I ran off to find Sean again, Sam in my hand. I found him looking at cords for a computer. He looks up as soon as he heard my footsteps.

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

I show him Sam, "I found this little cutie on a shelf back there and I just had to get him!"

He looks at me, a smirk on his face, as he tries to hold back a chuckle.

"What?" I ask, confused.


"Well it's obviously something!"

He smiles at me, "I'll tell you later." He winks at me, still trying to hold in his laughter.

I shrug and cuddle my Septiceye Sam.

Sean, still chuckling to himself, put the cord he was looking at in the shopping basket.

"Ready to go?" He asks, giving me a smile.

I nod, still cuddling Sam.

We walked up to the checkout, Sean paying for everything, including Sam, despite my objections. We walk out of the store with our things and put them in the car ( A/N: from what I understand, Sean doesn't have a car. But since this is just a fanfic, he has a car 😉 ) and head back to Sean's apartment.

~Time skip to Sean's apartment~

After we put all the groceries away, Sean went upstairs to put away his cords. I sat down on the couch, turning on the tv and snuggling with my Septiceye Sam.

After a few minutes, Sean walks in and sits down next to me, he looks down at me and smiles.

"You really like Sammy, don't you?" He asks, chuckling.

I nod and snuggle him more, "Yeah, look at him! He's so cute!"

He laughed.

I look up at him, "So, you gonna tell me why you were laughing at me in the store?"

He turns his gaze to the tv.

Sean's POV

Will she think of me differently if I tell her the truth? I thought.

I couldn't bring myself to look at her, I wasn't gonna lie though, I like her, "Well," I started, running a hand nervously through my hair, "just know that I'm still the same person after I tell you this."

She stared at me, confused, "Okay?"

I took a deep breath, "I'm a famous YouTuber, my name's Jacksepticeye, and that little Sam you have in your arms is like my personal icon," I hold my breath, waiting for her response.

She looks up at me and smiles, "That's awesome, Sean! I'm sorry I don't know you on YouTube, I never really cared much for going on there ( A/N: I'm sorry YouTube lovers! Don't kill me!🙏 ).

I beamed, I can't believe it! That means she'll like me for being me, not for being Jacksepticeye!

"Don't be sorry, this is awesome! I'm glad you got to meet Sean first, not Jack!" I said excitedly.

She smiled at me, "I'm glad too."

She rested her head on my shoulder, catching me by surprise. Without thinking, I put my arm around her, listening to her small breaths get slower as she drifted to sleep. I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you."

Ooooooh, Sean's already got feelings for ya! I hope y'all liked this chapter, it took FOREVER!! The next chapter should be out tomorrow but I am beginning to get writers block so if it's not out tomorrow then I'll make sure it's out the next day. I'LL STAY UP ALL NIGHT IF I HAVE TO!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading my story tho, it really means a lot. And 70 reads! Holy cow! Thanks guys! I love you all!! Until next time, shimmer on my friends! :3

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