20 - Where Do We Go From Here?

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~Three months later~

Your POV:
I was so nervous, my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I looked at myself in the mirror, I almost didn't recognize myself, the white silk dress showing my bare shoulders, the sleeves going all the way down to my fingers, the veil flowing behind me like a waterfall. It was breathtaking.

"I feel weird," I thought aloud.

"Honey, you're beautiful, everyone feels different on their wedding day!" My mother walked up from behind me and pulled me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her, "I don't know if I can do this."

She pulled away and looked at me, "What makes you think you can't do this? You love the man don't you? You want to be there for him, don't you?"

I gulped and nodded, "Of course I do!"

"Well then, stop whining and get out there and marry him! I didn't come all the way from America to see you walk the wrong way down the isle!"

I smiled, "Thanks mom."

She kissed my forehead before putting the veil over my face. My dad walked in, he looked like he was about to cry when he saw me.

"I can't believe my little girl is getting married, I still remember when you were just a tiny little thing that came home from the hospital like it was yesterday."

I hugged him, "I may not be little, but I'll always be your girl."

He smiled as he held out his elbow, "Ready?"

I took a deep breath and grasped his arm, "Ready."

We walked up to the doors that would soon open to let me down the isle.

Sean's POV:
I stood in front of the mirror, fidgeting with my tie, untying and retying it. Mark finally came up and lightly smacked my face, hard enough to make me stop fidgeting but not so hard to where it hurt.

"Calm down, Mr Fidget, you look fine," he smiled at me as he did my tie for me.

I smiled nervously, "Thanks man, I needed that."

He smiled at me again, "No problem buddy, that's what I'm here for, to slap you in the face when you're acting stupid."

I punched his arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed his arm, "Is that any way to treat your Best Man?"

I chuckled, "Thanks for everything Mark, you've been an amazing friend."

"Aww," he pretended to wipe away tears, "I'm touched! But seriously, I'm glad I could be there for you."

I smiled and pulled him into a hug. After a few minutes Mark pulled away and put his hands on my shoulders, "You ready bro?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready."

He smiled, "Good, now let's go and get you hitched!"

3rd person POV:
Sean stood at the alter, waiting for his soon-to-be-wife, Y/N, to walk down the isle. He nervously tapped his feet as the music started to play, Oh man, here we go.

Y/N stood behind the closed doors with her father, her heartbeat going a million miles an hour. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out as the doors opened. She looked up to see Sean, he was in a black suit and green tie, his usually messy green hair was combed back, and he had the biggest smile on his face. He's gorgeous!

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