11 - Dance

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Your POV:

After breakfast we just sat on the couch and watched tv. Sometimes I would catch Sean staring at me, but every time I looked at him, he would quickly look away.

After about an hour of watching tv, I got up to go change.

"Where are you goin?"

I turned to see Sean looking at me with big puppy eyes, a slight pout on his face. My heart did a little backflip.

"I'm just going to go change, probably take a shower while I'm at it."

"Oh, okay then," He looked away, looking out the window, "Just don't take too long."

I gave him a confused look, "Okay..."

I walked up the stairs and went into my room to grab some clothes before jumping in the shower.

~Le Time Skip~

After my shower, I put my hair in a braid and put my clothes on, a blue tank top with light purple shorts, and headed back downstairs. I went into the living room, expecting Sean to still be sitting on the couch watching tv, but he wasn't there. I was confused until I heard his voice upstairs, "TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!"

Smiling, I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone, scrolling through twitter. After about 20 minutes of twitter I went to my music. I scrolled through it until I found the song I was looking for, All About Us by He Is We feat. Owl City. I turned up the speaker on my phone to maximum, setting it on the coffee table, as it started to play, putting it on replay.

I got up and started waltzing to the music, swaying backward and forward to the rhythm. I danced and danced, never stopping. After what seemed like an hour of dancing, I felt a hand grab mine and another grab my waist as the song replayed again.

( play song ) I looked up to see Sean smiling at me. I smiled as he spun me and danced with me. I became oblivious to everything but him, it was like nothing in the world mattered but him and me. I never looked away from his eyes, his eyes never leaving mine.

He spun me before he put both his hands on my waist and lifted me high in the air, spinning me as I laughed. He brought me back down and pulled me close to his chest, he ran a hand across my cheek. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
"Y/N, I have something I want to tell you..."

Before he could say anything else I pulled his head towards mine and brought our lips together. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was beautiful. I pulled away, looking into his eyes, "I love you too."

He smiled and hugged me, I giggled as he spun me around and around. He stopped and looked into my eyes, "I'm so happy you commented on my hair, I never would've met you if you hadn't."

"Well, you sure did stand out!"

He smiled and pulled me close, putting both his hands on either side of my face. He leaned in, closing the gap between us. We stayed like this for what seemed like forever, locked in each other's embrace.

"I love you."

We danced for the rest of the day, never letting go of each other. As the sun started to set outside, I put my head on his chest and whispered the last words of the song.

"It's All About Us."

I hope y'all enjoyed! I listened to this song while I wrote this chapter, it gets me every time! :') sorry if the song is poorly placed, I did my best! This is my first time putting a song in the story!

Also this chapter wouldn't be possible without the help of JMWeezy, thank you so much!!! ❤️

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