14 - Struggling

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I couldn't stop crying, no matter how hard I tried, the tears just kept falling. I let out the biggest sob I've ever let out in my life.

"Awww, is poor little Seanypoo sad?"

I jumped to my feet, wiping my tears away, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be gone!"

"I'm always here," the voice said from behind me, "But sadly, I can't show myself or do anything if you're not feeling pain."

I turned to look behind me, but no one was there, "I'm not in pain, I just...have a lot on my mind."

Laughter came from behind me, making me spin around to see...me, but instead of blue eyes, he had bright green glowing ones. He was wearing a dark green and black hoodie with ripped black jeans and black sneakers, his hair was spiky compared to mine. Green mist floated around him. "Really Sean, I know you, I AM you! I live in that pretty little mind of yours! I know what's going through your head!"

I gulped, "Why are you here?"

He smiled, showing perfect white sharp teeth, "I'm just here to be a comfort for my sad, pathetic little host, is that such a crime?"

"By "comfort" you mean torture, don't you?"

"Oh you know me so well!"

"Sadly, I do," I said, glaring at him, "But I don't want your "comfort", you're nothing but a horrible demon that kills and tortures for fun! You make me sick!"

"Awww stop it you," he waved his hand, as if to wave away a compliment, "you're making me blush!"

I snorted, "That wasn't a compliment."

He huffed, "Well, that was rude."

"You're not torturing me today," I crossed my arms, "so hit the road!"

He crossed his arms, making me uncross mine, "You're really no fun! Sadly, I can't go and torture other people because I'm tied to you, and you won't let me out!"

"For good reason! You're a monster!"

He smirked, "Am I really the monster here?"

"W-What do you mean?" I asked, taken aback.

He smiled his evil smile, "I mean, you "did" it with Y/N, and she's not too happy about it, is she? Who knows? Maybe she's pregnant, and if she is, what does that make you? A daddy!"

I leaned against the wall, shaking my head, trying to block out his words.

"And the worst part is, she lives in a completely different country! She'll be left to deal with your child all by herself! So who's really the monster here? Me?" He smiled, "Or you?"

I slid to the floor and held my face in my hands, tears falling once again.

Anti disappeared with a final laugh in a puff of green smoke, leaving me to sob alone on the floor.

Your POV:
I was walking through the park that I was at yesterday with Sean, staring blankly ahead of me. I sat down on a bench, all of the sudden, thoughts racing through my head. What happens if I'm pregnant? What will I do? I can't raise it on my own! How will Sean feel? Will he help me if I am? Or would he just throw me out and leave me to deal with it? I took a deep breath, Ok, I just need to calm down, only way to find out is to take a test. I got up from the bench and headed to the nearest store, using my Google Maps.

I was in the local pharmacy store ( do pharmacy stores have pregnancy tests? I have no idea!😅 let's just pretend! ), looking at the pregnancy tests. I picked out a small box and bought them. I went straight to the bathroom and walked into one of the stalls. I took one of the tests and let it sit for a few minutes. Once I was done with washing my hands I went back to the test. Taking a deep breath, I picked up the test to look at it. It was positive. Oh no. No no no no no no. I took several more tests to make sure, they all said the same thing. Positive. I put all the used tests back in the box, stuffing it in my jacket pocket, and ran out of the bathroom and out of the store. I didn't stop until I was back at Sean's apartment building. I walked into the elevator and pressed the number 2 floor button.

I was standing at Sean's door, so afraid to go in. I wanted to tell him, after all, the baby is his too. But at the same time, I just wanted to keep it to myself. Yeah, great idea Y/N, because hiding a giant belly, sickness, odd tastes for food, and over emotional reactions to everything is easy to hide! I shook my head. He deserves to know. I take a deep breath, opening the door.

"Sean?" I call out, closing the door behind me. I walk into the living room to see everything turned over and scattered. "Sean?!" I called again, my voice more panicked. "Sean, where are you? Please come out!" I was just about to scream his name at the top of my lungs when I hear his sobs from the corner of the room. I rush over to him, avoiding the turned over coffee table and broken glass, and kneel beside him.

"Sean?! What happened?! Oh my gosh, your hands!" I took his hands in mine, they were covered in cuts and bruises.

He looked at me with red, puffy eyes, "Y/N?"

"It's okay," I put my hand on his cheek, "I'm here."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N! I should've known better than to do that with you!" More tears fell from his eyes.

"Sean, it's not your fault, I had a say in it too. If I didn't say anything about it, then...I must have wanted it too."

He looked at me, confused, "But, what if you are pregnant? I would've hurt you then, leaving you to deal with a baby all on your own." He looked down at his hands, still in mine.

I sighed, "Sean, what would you do if I told you you're going to be a daddy?"

He looked at me, "Are...are you pregnant?"

I nodded.

He hugged me tight, "I would say 'I love you so much!' And repeatedly kiss you!"

I giggled, relief flooding my body.

"But, how will we make this work?" Sean held me at arms length, looking into my eyes, "You live in America, I live here!"

I kissed him softly, "We'll figure it out."

He sighed, "I'm so sorry I did this to you..."

"Don't say that," I stood up, holding my hand out to him, "honestly, the more I think about it, the happier I get!"

He smiled and took my hand, standing up, "I really do love you, and I won't abandon you."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I know."

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii👋👋👋👋👋 So, did y'all like that little Anti moment? I thought it would be a nice surprise for y'all! He won't be a super big thing in this book tho, maybe the second one tho? *wiggles eyebrows* wait, what am I talking about? Who said anything about a second one? *cough* I didn't! So yeah, y'all are pregnant! What are ya gonna do? I guess we'll find out! ;) okie dokie, I'll see y'all in the next chapter! Shimmer on my friends! :3

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