8 - Snowed In (Part 1)

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(A/N): Hey guys, just a quick authors note before I start this chapter. I wanted to make a small chapter signifying the seasons changing. It's supposed to be November when you go on your trip so winters just around the corner! Sorry I didn't say this before😰 but don't worry, after this chapter, the good one's next! And I'd like to thank @Jenthepiratefox for giving me this idea, thank you Jen! She's an awesome girl, go check her books out!

Your POV:

I woke up to my alarm as usual, but for some odd reason I felt really cold. I turned my alarm off and got out of bed, a wave of cold air hitting me instantly. I squealed and grabbed my giant comforter and rapped it around me as I walked out of my room. Once I got to the living room, my jaw just dropped. Outside the living room window was the biggest pile of snow I've ever seen, it almost completely covered the entire thing!


I hear a clatter from upstairs and then I see Sean tripping down the stairs, I laughed at him as he picked himself up.

"Jeez Y/n! What was the scream for?!"

Still laughing, I pointed at the window, "L-Look, there's s-snow on the window!"

He looked over at the window then back at me, "Well duh, of course there's snow, there was a freak blizzard last night!"

I looked at him in surprise, "Really?"

"Yeah, didn't you hear the wind beating up the windows?"

I shook my head, "No, I was asleep."

He snickered, "Wow, I didn't know you could sleep through something like that!"

I blushed.

I looked down and finally noticed what he was wearing, he had a black sweater with a Santa Claus face on it and black sweatpants, along with a pair of really warm looking gray socks. He was hot. (Yes, bad pun, but please tell me you got it!) My face grew a little redder.

"Are you cold, Y/n?"

I nodded looking back up at him. I rapped the blanket a little tighter around myself.

"Sorry about that, I only just turned the heater on so it'll be a few hours before the apartment warms up."

"Great," I sighed.

"Do you have any sweaters or pants that you could wear for now?"

I shook my head, "No, I forgot to pack my warm clothes."

He started to laugh.

I glared at him, the heat rising to my cheeks, "What?!"

He looked at me, amusement dancing in his eyes, "How could you forget to pack your warm clothes in November? Winter's just around the corner!"

"Shut up! I was just excited, okay?"

He giggled, "Come here, I'm pretty sure I've got something for you."

He put his hand on my back and guided me to his room. He opened the door to reveal a nice but small room with a desk and computer in one corner  against the wall, a big black shelf sat next to it full to the brim with Septiceye Sams.

Sean walked over to a dresser sitting against the right wall and pulled out a blue sweater with white sweatpants and a pair of fluffy light blue socks.
"Here, these should fit, if they don't, then I'll find something else." He gave me the clothes.

"Thank you, I'm sure these will fit fine."  I took the clothes and went into my room and shut the door. I threw the blanket back on the bed and started to change.

The sweater was a little baggy and the pants were pretty big, thank goodness I could tighten them, but I didn't mind. They were comfy and warm as heck, and they were his! I sat on my bed and inhaled his scent (weird, I know), the clothes smelled of cologne and coffee, perfect mixture.

After a few minutes I went back downstairs to the living room. Sean was sitting on the couch watching tv, a blanket rapped around him. He looked up as I walked in and smiled.



He looked me up and down, "Yep, they fit! You look good!"

I blushed, "Thanks."

"I don't think I'll be able to show you around, everything's covered in snow and it would be too cold, so there's really no point in going outside."

"Oh," I looked down at my feet, I know I shouldn't feel sad, but I was really looking forward to going out and spending time with Sean. Now I was stuck in this apartment...alone...with Sean.

"Come here."

I looked up to see Sean standing up with his arms open for a hug, I walk up to him, pulling me in. I stood there for a few seconds before I hesitantly rapped my arms around him, hugging him back.

AND SCENE!!! How did I do? Was that good? This is part one of the good chapter I told you guys about! Yay! The next one will be longer, I promise! It's so cute! You guys are getting so huggy!🤗 I can't wait to see what happens next! I'm sorry if this one is pretty bad, I didn't have anything ready, so this came straight from my brain! Hope you guys like it! Shimmer on my friends! :3

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