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Ok, I know I said I would write this weekend, I meant to, I really did! But my grandma came over Saturday and I was just too busy today to write. I am so so so so sorry! If I can, I'll make sure to get started on a chapter tomorrow! I would also like to mention why I didn't update last weekend...I TURNED 17!! WHAT?! 😱 I'm so old lol! But yeah, I had a friend over and we just had fun all that cool jazzy stuff! I would also like to thank y'all for 900 READS!!! HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL!!! THANK YALL SO MUCH!!! 💙💙💙💙 I promise tho, I will update! I swear it! I am holding up my hand up and crossing my heart while I type this! Seriously it's hard to type at the moment!😂 I also want to let y'all know that I'm planning on a new story!!! Wooo! I need y'alls help tho, should I do another YouTuber x reader or my own original characters?? Okie dokie, that's all I got at the moment, take care my lovelies! Until next time, shimmer on my sweets! :3

P. S. Like the picture? I drew it! I REALLY love Warfstache!! Maybe I should do a fanfic of him...hmmm🤔

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