4 - You're Such A Tease

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Your POV:
I woke to the delicious smell of coffee. I sat up and stretched, rubbing my eyes.

I got out of bed and made my way down the stairs, stopping at the foot of the steps, I was hit with the delicious smell of bacon and eggs.

"Mmm, smells great!" I say as I reach the kitchen.

Sean was at the stove frying bacon and putting some on a plate. He turns to look at me, "Thanks, I don't normally cook too often, I usually just have a cup of coffee, but since I have company now I thought it was appropriate."

I smiled at him kindly, "Well, thank you, but don't worry about me, I can cook for myself."

He put the rest of the bacon on the plate and gave it to me. I thanked him and sat down at the little dining table. Almost immediately, I started eating.

Sean sat down across from me, coffee cup in hand, "So did you sleep well?"

"Mmhmf," I said through my full mouth of food.

He snickered, "You enjoying my cooking?" He waggled his eyebrows at me. Again.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Once I was finished, I got up to take my plate to the sink but Sean took them from me.

"Let me do it," he smiled at me.

I playfully crossed my arms, "Oh no you don't, I may be the guest here but I intend to do my share of the chores!"

He stared at me, his mouth open a little, I took that opportunity to take the plate away from him and walk over to the sink, putting the dishes in and turning on the water. I started to hum as I washed the dishes, eventually my humming turning to singing.

Not to toot my own horn, but I could carry a tune pretty well! I was so focused on my singing and the dishes that I didn't notice Sean slip up behind me. I jumped when he touched me, blushing, I turned the water off and put the dishes away.

I turned to look at him, Gosh he's so close! I thought. My eyes wandered down to his lips, Maybe just one kis- what?! No! I blush and look away.
"I uh...I don't suppose you have a bathroom do you?" I mentally face palm myself, Stupid! Of course he has a bathroom!

He smirks at me, obviously noticing my awkward staring, "Yeah, follow me." He walks out of the kitchen heading towards the stairs, I quickly follow.

He walks up the stairs and leads me all the way to the end of the hall and opens the door on my right to show the bathroom.

"Here you go," he steps back to let me in.

I thank him, running to my room to grab a fresh pair of clothes for the day, before running back to the bathroom.

Sean was still standing there, leaning against the wall next to the doorframe, starring at me intently.

I blush, Seriously, I have an issue, I need to get control of my blushing!

I smiled at him nervously, "Hey, I gotta take a shower, so..."

He blushed, realizing what he was doing, "Sorry," he muttered as he moved away and half ran half walked down the stairs.

I giggled at his awkwardness as I went in the bathroom and closed the door.

~Time Skip~

After taking a relaxing shower and putting on a fresh pair of clothes (a simple tshirt with jean shorts) and putting my hair in a nice braid, I walked back down the stairs and went into the living room to see Sean sitting on the couch watching the news.

I jumped over the top of the couch and landed next to him, "So," I say, looking at him, "What's the plan for today?"

He breaks away from the tv and looks at me. He looks cute in the mornings, his hair was messed up and everywhere, his eyes, still stunning and beautiful, still had sleep lingering in them. Somehow, that just made them even more beautiful. I swooned inwardly.

"Well nothing really, I have a few things I have to do in town so you're more then welcome to come along."

"Oooh, sounds fun!"

"If you say so," he smiles at me.

I look down at his mouth for the second time that morning, Just one kiss...

I shook my head, trying to get the thought out of my mind. I look up to see Sean smirking at me, Crap, he caught me again! I quickly looked away, blood rushing to my cheeks.


"What?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.

I felt his hand cup my chin, "Look at me," he said, lifting my chin.

I looked up at him, his blue eyes staring into my (e/c) ones.

"I have to tell you something..."

My heartbeat started to race, "What?"

He leaned in, "Y/n..."

"Yes..." I say softly, his lips moving closer to mine.

"I have to pee."

I stopped dead in my tracks, I looked at him, he was LAUGHING. I was tricked, I was blushing harder then I've ever blushed. I can't believe I fell for it!

"SEAN!!!!" I yelled angrily.

He just sat there laughing harder and harder.


He gasped, "Probably, but it was worth it!" He snickered.

I punched him hard on the shoulder.

He winced in pain and let out a high pitched yelp, rubbing his now sore arm, "Okay okay! I'm sorry!"

"Hmph, you should be!" I said, crossing my arms.

He shrugged, still grinning like a goof. I want him, I couldn't stop my head from saying that every time I looked at him, But I've only known him for a day! I told myself firmly.

Sean took my hand in his, catching me by surprise, he looked me square in the eyes.

"Y/n, I know we only just met."

My heartbeat quickened again.

"But...." he let go of my hand, "could you hand me the popcorn?"


"HAHAHA!!" He laughed so much he fell off the couch, landing on the floor.

He continued to roll around for several minutes before he finally picked himself up and wiped his tears.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Yes, I did!"

"I hate you."

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so late, I had a lot on my plate today. I'd like to thank you guys for 50 reads!!! That's amazing! I know it doesn't seem like much, but it means the world to me that you guys actually read something I wrote! I hope to continue this and I hope you guys are still enjoying my story! Sorry this one is so short, I was busy and under a lot of pressure today, so the chapter ended up being shorter then I wanted😕 but oh well! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy it! I'll see y'all next weekend with more chapters! Shimmer on my friends! :3

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