17 - Don't Go

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~Four months later~

"What do you mean you have to leave?!" I exclaimed. Sean was packing some clothes in a suitcase.

He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders, "Relax, I'm just going to Pax, I'm not leaving you."

I couldn't help but tear up a bit, I wrapped my arms around his waist, "I don't want you to go!"

He held me as I cried, rubbing my back. After a few minutes, he held me at arms length and looked into my eyes, "I'll be back in a week, okay? Until then, I'll be leaving you with one of my best friends, Mark."

I perked up, "Mark? As in Markiplier?!" I asked excitedly. Ever since I found out that Sean was a YouTuber I've been watching his videos, after a while, a new person showed up in my feed. I've been a big fan of Mark since. Sure he's cute, but not as cute as my Irish potato!

Sean chuckled, "I new you'd get excited! Yeah, Markiplier is going to take care of you until I come back!"

I squealed, "Oh my gosh! I can't wait!"

Sean laughed, "He'll be here around 3:00, so you'll only be by yourself for about an hour or so."

My smile faded, I hugged Sean again, "I'm going to miss you."

His arms tightened around me, "I'll miss you too. But I know you'll be safe with Mark."

I pressed my face into his chest, fighting back more tears.

~Time skip~

Sean gave me the longest kiss I've ever had before he turned and got in the taxi, taking him to the airport. I waved goodbye as the car sped off. I turned and went back inside the apartment building.

I closed the door to our apartment, tears filling my eyes and falling down my cheeks. Stupid hormones! Stop making me so emotional! I wiped my tears away angrily. I sat down on the couch and clicked on the tv. I sighed, I can't stand the thought of not hearing Sean's loud voice for a whole week!

~Time skip~

I was watching Gravity Falls when I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and slowly waddled to the door. I peeked through the peeky hole ( I don't know what you call those! 😅 ), I nearly screamed when I saw who it was. I rapidly unlocked the door and flung it open.

"Hey," Mark said with a smile, "I'm Mark, Sean's friend who was supposed to come all the way from L.A. to Ireland to watch over you."

"Hi! Do you wanna come in?" I asked excitedly.

He chuckled, "Well that's part of watching over you!"

I giggled and let him in, closing the door behind him. I watched him put his bag down on the living room floor and look around. His eyes landed on me, he chuckled, I had the biggest, stupidest grin on my face. Realizing this, I blushed and looked away.

"Hey, don't worry about it, honestly, I've met people worse than you!"

I smiled, "I'll show you where you'll be staying." I started to waddle towards the stairs until Mark stopped me.

"I've been to Sean's house before, I know where the room is. Besides, I don't want you walking anymore than you have to." He smiled at me and headed upstairs to put his things away.

I smiled, He's just as kindhearted in person as he is in his videos! I walked back to the couch and continued to watch Gravity Falls until Mark came back downstairs an episode later.

I smiled, "Hey! Did you get settled in okay?"

"Yep! Got my underwear unpacked and everything!"

I laughed.

He smiled at me, "How you doin so far?"

I sighed, "I'm okay, I miss Sean though."

Mark sat down next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll see him soon."

I smiled.

He smiled back at me, "So! Sean told me you're a fan of my work!" He pretended to straighten his imaginary tie and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I blushed, "Uhh, yeah, I-I've watched all of your Five Nights At Freddy's videos, almost every drunken minecraft video, along with every other random video you make. I especially love your goofy sketches!"

He chuckled, "I'm glad my content makes you laugh!"

"You bet it does!"

We both laughed. We just watched various cartoons until it was late and I started to fall asleep. Mark turned off the tv and helped me go up the stairs to my room. After he was sure I was alright he left to go to his own room.

I put on my pjs and got into the empty bed. It's not the same, I sighed, "Please come home soon Sean, I miss you."


I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat up quickly thinking it was Sean until I remembered that he was gone. I sighed, "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to startle you." The baby kicked a couple times before it calmed down. I giggled.

I pulled myself outta bed and opened the door to see Mark standing there.

He smiled, "Oh hey! I was just about to knock! Breakfast is ready."

I smiled, "Thank you! I was just about to head downstairs!" I giggled.

He laughed and held his hand out for me to grab, "Well, allow me to help you!"

I giggled and took his hand ( MWAHAHAHA! Ok anyways lol ), "Why thank you kind sir!"

~Time skip~

"So, Y/N, what should we do?" Mark asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I usually just sleep, eat, and watch tv shows."

Mark chuckled, "Wow, sounds boring!"

"Hey! Blame this fella!" I pointed at my belly, "It won't stop taking my energy!"

Mark laughed, "Okay, I'll grab a blanket and pillow, turn on the tv, and make you some food then!"

I threw a couch pillow at him.


I stuck my tongue at him as I smiled.

~Two days later~

I was sitting on the couch, as usual, when I felt something wet in between my legs. Surprised, I looked down to see a wet spot, feeling a spike of pain in my lower back at the same time. I gasped, realizing what was happening, and stood up as quickly as I could, "MARK!" I yelled.

He ran down the stairs and came over to me, "What is it?! What's wrong?!"

"My water just broke! I-It's time!"

Mark looked at me in panic, "Okay! Let's get you to the hospital!" He ran around, getting everything we needed.

"Mark! I want Sean! Please bring Sean back!" I started to cry, I don't think I can do this without him!

Mark ran over to me and hugged me, "Hey, shh shh, don't worry, I'll tell him. But I still need to get you to the hospital, okay?"

I nodded and gasped as I felt another sharp pain. Mark quickly texted something on his phone and then pulled me out the door.

~At Pax~

Sean's POV:
I was at the signing booth talking to a fan when my phone buzzed. I didn't look at it until about 20 minutes later after I was done talking to the last fan for the day. I picked my phone up to look at all my notifications. One in particular caught my attention, it was a text from Mark. I hope Y/N is okay, I thought as I tapped on it. The two words I saw next was enough to make me grab my coat and backpack and run with all the speed I could muster.

"It's time."

CLIFFHANGER!!! MWAHAHAHA!!! *runs away before you can kill me*

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