12 - Play With Me

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Don't play song yet.

Your POV:
It's been about a week since the dance and our shared kiss, I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching Gravity Falls when Sean jumped over the back of the couch and landed on top of me.

"SEAN, DON'T DO THAT!" I screamed, trying to catch my breath.

"Play with me?" He asked, completely ignoring what I said.

I huffed, "Why should I?"

"Pwease?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I just rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.


"But whyyyyyyyyyy?!"


"That's not an answer!"

"Yes it is, I replied to your question."

He glared at me, picking himself up and leaning over me, his hands on either side of me.

"I'll make a bargain, you play a game with me, if you can survive without dying at least five times then I'll buy you lunch and take you out to any store you want."

I thought about it for a few seconds then nodded my head. "Ok, and if I lose?"

His lips curled into a mischievous smile, he leaned in close to my ear, making a shiver run up and down my spine. "Well, I haven't kissed you in a while..."

I gulped, blood rushing to my cheeks. I looked up to see him smirking at me, holding his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I took a deep breath to calm myself, taking his hand in mine. I shook it, "Deal!"

He smiled, "Great! Come on, I got the perfect game!"

I groaned, Which means I'm gonna lose this bet, I thought.

I got up and followed him to his room. As soon as I walked in he closed the door and ran over to his desk and picked up a headset of some sort, plugging it into his monitor.

I watched as he did all this, once he was done with that he came back to me and gave me the headset with some weird looking controllers.

"What do I do with these?"

He smiled, "Here," he put the mask on my head and showed me how to hold the controls. "Put the mask over your eyes."

I did what he said, his room disappeared to be replaced with a menu to a game I didn't know of.
"Resident Evil 7?" I read aloud, a sinking feeling in my stomach, "Please don't tell me it's a horror game."

I heard Sean snicker next to me.


He laughed harder.

I tried to punch him but ended up just punching the air. I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot.

"Missed me!"


"Hey, the bet wouldn't be as fun or interesting if I had you playing something else! Besides, I gotta make sure it's a challenge for you!"

"I fucking hate you!"

"Whoa, didn't think you had that kind of language in you!"

I flipped my finger at him. Hopefully I'm facing in the right direction, I thought. I heard him snicker.

" I love you too!"

I scowled, "Let's just get this over with."

~Time skip! ;p~

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