I'M ALIVE!!!!!

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Hey guys!! I'm alive and well! The storms didn't hurt us! And thankfully, my friend is alive and well too. I waited for quite a while for her to text me back and when she did I was almost in tears, because I was so relieved! Now I know I did say that I would update soon, that hasn't changed, but I AM starting to get writers block, my mind has gone almost completely blank! So if you guys could help me out and give me ideas for the next chapter, I'll give that person a little shoutout and put them in my story! Depending on who's idea I go with of course! But yeah, please help me out! And OH. MY. GOD. 100 reads!!!!!! You guys are amazing!! I never thought my story would make it this far!! I'm not even a good writer! Thank you guys so so so SO much!! It means so much to me!! I love you all!!!❤❤❤❤ until next time, shimmer on my friends! :3

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