Chapter 6

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After Zayn told me his "little, dark secret", our conversations haven't been the same. We still see each other, but most of the time, he has to go.

Today, I decided to go to the movies with him. We watched "The Conjuring". Damn. That movie was the scariest movie I've ever seen in my life. Every time I tried to scream, Zayn put his arm around me to assure me that I would be okay. I would cuddle him back. He kissed my forehead softly when the movie ended.

"Sabrina? You okay? You look paralyzed.", he said, jokingly.

"Zaynnnn! I'm just scared okay?", I replied. He took my hand and we walked back to the car.

When we were back at my dorm, we decided to eat something.

"Hey, babe. What do you want to eat?", I said. He looked at me, seductively. He started to bite his lip. A smirk came along our lips.

"You know what I wanna eat? I wanna eat you up. I just wanna bit you and taste you.", he said while nibbling into my ear.

"Well, maybe I have some extra time before we can eat.", I replied. My lips crashed into his and we wouldn't let go of each other. His tongue sneaked into my mouth and I fell back on my bed. He took off his shirt. Damn. He looked so sexy. We started to kiss again. Then, I looked at the time.

"Zayn. Sorry, babe. Maybe another time. We have to eat. It's almost 9.", I said.

"It's okay.", he seemed disappointed as I let out a laugh. We ordered some Chinese food and by time we were done, it was 10.

"I think it's time for me to go.", he said.

"Yeah. I should get going. I have to wake up early tomorrow for classes.", I replied.

"Bye, Sabrina. Love you. See you tomorrow.", he said and he kissed and hugged me goodbye.

I started talking to myself. It brings self-confidence.

"Fuck. I was this close to having it with Zayn. He's so sexy though. I can't lay my eyes off him.", I said to myself. I went to bed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Love or Danger? (Book #1 Of the "Love" Series)Where stories live. Discover now