stalker [1]

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lmfao sorry if the notification disturbed anyone I accidentally unpublished

it was a normal day for byun baekhyun. kind of. everything was the same, except for the fact that his new neighbour had been following him around the whole day and frankly, it was quite annoying.

it isn't as if baekhyun hasn't done anything to stop her. in the morning when he was walking to school, he could practically feel her gaze at the back of his head. so he had turned around and politely asked her if she needed anything, and all she did was shake her head furiously before turning unbelievably red.

he had shrugged it off thinking that maybe she was in the same school as him, and turns out that he was right. but now as he walked towards his friends at the lunch table, there seemed to be absolutely no reason for why the girl was following.

he tried to let it not bother him, cursing his best friend oh sehun in his mind. he was always baffled at how sehun chose the worst days to stay home. it's not like he was sick, baekhyun had even gotten a message saying;

'lol i sneezed and mum thinks i'm sick, have fun at school'

he had replied back with how easy going and caring his mom was, complaining as to how his mother wouldn't even let him stay home if he was at his deathbed. sehun had then said that baekhyun was not smart, so because of that he had no choice to attend school.

baekhyun had not bothered messaging back, mentally flipping sehun off. now as he was seated at his table with his friends, his eyes fell on her. she was one table away, her eyes now burning holes into every one of his friends' heads.

"you guys see that girl? is she staring at us or is it just me?" kyungsoo, also known as d.o asked.

"she's been following me around the whole morning." baekhyun informed, scrunching up his nose. "but why?" chanyeol asked, throwing a weary glance at the girl.

"i don't know. she moved in yesterday next to my house, that's all i can say." baekhyun answered truthfully.

"creepy." kai muttered.

"i'm sure she'll stop," minseok stated, shrugging it off. chen and suho nodded in agreement, lay adding; "maybe it's just that she's scared. i would be too if i moved to a new school."

baekhyun was confused, but he nodded never the less. all he knew was that if anyone could help him get rid of this girl, it was oh sehun.

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