spontaneous [16]

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sehun's eyes were wide when baekhyun pulled away. immediately he sat up, spluttering out a "what was that?" as the shorter male cursed under his breath, sitting up too.

"sehun, i'm sorry i couldn't-" baekhyun struggled to explain, close to tears. he was just so frustrated. he was angry, sad, but at the same time his stomach was fluttering. he had kissed sehun spontaneously; it felt amazing, yes, but now he'd have to deal with the consequences.

sehun on the other hand, was starting to feel light headed. it was as if the kiss had triggered something. he could hear familiar voices in his head; his mum's, baekhyun's, jongin's, everyone he had met till now. they were faint but still there, different images flashing in his mind as his head pounded.

baekhyun noticed this, and with an alarmed expression stood up.

"sehun, y-you don't look so good. let's take you back-"

but it was too late because the pain had become unbearable, and the younger collapsed on the grass.



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