her [17]

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also, any of you interested in vkook/taekook?


"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry."

the pain in baekhyun's chest seemed to be becoming unbearable.

the ticking of the clock was agonizingly slow, hoards of people rushing past him; some crying out of joy, some out of sadness, while others were simply in pain.

he let out slow puffs of air, each one seeming to take so much of his energy as he was exhausted; mentally and physically.

why couldn't this all just end? why did they fight? maybe if they hadn't met her, things would have been simpler.

baekhyun let the bitter thoughts roam around his head as he looked around, trying to find a distraction.

and oh boy, was that a mistake.

because there she was, her hair done up perfectly with not a strand out of place, eyes large and curious as she held a bouquet of white snowdrops in her hand.

and at that moment, anger practically flowing through his veins, baekhyun couldn't help but blame everything on her.

HER. [sebaek]Where stories live. Discover now