awake [20]

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"what- wait, weren't you like- half dead?" baekhyun asked in confusion, trying to get up but immediately groaning in pain the the pounding in his head.

"damn,  kyungsoo hyung was right, you really hit it hard." sehun mused, raising his (perfect- fucking beautiful) eyebrows at the older.

"chanyeol threw what now? where am i? what year is it? am i dreaming-"

"chanyeol hyung!" sehun shouted, earning a 'shh' in response.

"shut up! i'm on the phone with jooheon," the tall male whispered harshly, and sehun sighed before sitting on the bed next to baekhyun.

"so basically, we were um making out," sehun said blushing, before continuing. "and chanyeol hyung came, right? while we were watching the movie, me and you were- we were cuddling. and chanyeol threw the bag he brought with him on us, but since we were sitting on the edge of the sofa and i kinda sorta let you go to doge the bag, and you hit your head on the table really freaking hard and passed out. and well now you have a big bump."

"what the actual fuck."

"i think you were sleeping the rest of the time, but we were too scared to check. you kept on crying and screaming in your sleep, we thought you were possessed hyung." sehun shuddered, backing away slightly.

"so. it was a dream."

"oh, you were having a dream? that explains it-"

"hey sehun, do you like me?" baekhyun interrupted, wincing as he sat up slightly.

"of course i do, you're my best-"

"no i mean- in the other way."

"wha-" sehun stared at baekhyun with his eyes wide.

"h-how did you know?"

"wild guess."

"i'm so sorry baekhyun, i didn't mean to fall in lov- oh shit i'll go now."

"no no no, wait!" baekhyun grabbed sehun's hand and tugged on his arm, making him fall right on top of baekhyun.

cheeks pink, baekhyun murmured softly, "i love you too."

"sebaek confirmed." chanyeol whispered to kyungsoo. they both stood creepily in the door way, their eyes widening at what was currently going on.

"oh man holy- run. my eyes, my innocent eyes-"

"they're just kissing, god-"



Thank you to everyone who has read this book, commented and voted!! I honestly have some of the best and kindest readers. Hopefully I'll come out with the other sebaek book soon, so please look forward to that. Love you all :)

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