help [2]

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by the end of the day, baekhyun was officially creeped out. the girl was still following him. he tried to look back from the corner of his eye, sighing quietly when he saw the familiar pale blue skirt.

he decided he had no choice but to message sehun.

baek beagle: sehunnnnn

sehunnie: baekhyunnnn

baek beagle: help

sehunnie: what's wrong?

baek beagle: come over so i can explain

sehunnie: be there in ten. i better not reach before you

baekyun laughed slightly at what sehun said, shaking his head. it has happens numerous times that whenever baekhyun called sehun over to his house when he was out, sehun always ended up reaching before baekhyun.

this time since baekhyun was determined to get rid of the girl, his walking seemed to be faster than usual resulting in him to reach home just when sehun's car parked in the garage.

"sehunnie!" baekhyun shouted, throwing himself at the taller boy. the younger just smiled slightly used to baekhyun, setting him down.

"you see that girl staring at us from her lawn?" baekhyun whispered in sehun's ear.

sehun nodded slightly.

"she's been following me around the whole day. come inside so we can come up with something."

sehun mumbled an okay before offering the older a piggy back ride, which baekhyun excitedly accepted.

meanwhile, the girl watched silently from her house in confusion.

are those two dating? no. it can't be. i'm the one who wants baekhyun... she thought, before quickly running inside her house.


yeesh this girl will not give up. you can see the gayness from miles away and yet still she tries 🙄 tbh i really shouldn't be saying this about my own character but as min yoongi says;


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