news [12]

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baekhyun was in school when he got a message.

it said;

mrs. oh: baek
mrs. oh: he's awake. come after school if you can please.

he could feel his mouth fall open in shock. he's awake, he's awake, he's okay.

"you guys!" baekhyun interrupted his friends, making them turn their attention towards him.

with a huge grin on his face, baekhyun felt happiness he hadn't experience for quite a long time. "he's awake. sehun's okay."

"you're going now aren't you?" junmyeon sighed, already handing his keys to baekhyun. "we'll join you after school."


baekyun didn't even bother greeting the staff as he was in such a rush.

he literally flew past everyone, only stopping when the reached the door.

preparing himself mentally and physically, baekhyun took a deep breath before entering the room.

his nervousness died down a bit when he saw that sehun was peacefully sleeping, his deep breaths the only noise in the room.

"ugh sehun you're so annoying." he whispered, taking a seat beside the younger.

"i'm so glad you're okay." he breathed out, caressing the sehun's face.

as he ran his finger carefully along the curve of the other's jaw, and that's when sehun's eyes started to flutter open.

furrowing his eyebrows at the shorter male, his voice slightly raspy sehun asked, "who are you?"


"excuse me?" baekhyun whispered in shock at what the doctor had just said.

"that's right," the doctor continued sympathetically. "he has amnesia."

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