before [11]

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baekhyun lay on his bed asleep, after at least one hundred attempts of calling sehun.

he woke up with a jump when his phone started ringing, excitedly but at the same time nervously checking the caller id.

confused when he saw it was sehun's mother, baekhyun picked it up either way and put the phone to his ear.


"baekyun, it's sehun. he's been in an accident—"


"i'm here for oh sehun, he probably got admitted a few minutes ago." baekhyun breathes heavily, his eyes still watery and hair messed up.

"yes, he's in room 69." the nurse spoke, and before she could look up, he was rushing down the hallway.

baekhyun panted, coming to a stop when he saw sehun's parents outside the door.

"mrs. oh, i–"

"he was on the way to your place baek. i think he wanted to apologize. go see him," sehun's mother said in a weak voice, bringing a tissue up her mouth to hold in a sob.

baekhyun gulped back the lump in his throat and nodded, shutting the door quietly as he walked in.

"sehun," he muttered in shock, his eyes widening at the sight.

"why couldn't have a called you first? i wish everything was the way it was before." baekhyun choked out, taking a seat next to sehun and gently caressing the younger's limp hand.

now it was his turn to cry.

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