remember [15]

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"we were just fourteen when we did all of this?"

baekhyun nodded with a faint smile on his lips.

"this was just the beginning, actually. our proper most legendary sneak outs started at 16 when you got a boyfriend."

"oh." sehun mused, his imagination running wild as he lifted his head from the pillow slightly.

"who was my boyfriend?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing.

a slight frown formed on his lips as he took out his phone from his pocket. getting the picture, he handed it to sehun. "his name was luhan. you guys didn't have a psychotic break up or anything, he just had to move." baekhyun assured.

"cute." sehun murmured, a small smile curving his lips, which made something dark twist in baekhyun's gut.

"hey sehun," baekhyun said, taking the phone from him. "how about i tell you more while we walk? the doctor told me to help you exercise in the hospital ground."

"sure." sehun shrugged, getting up and slipping on his shoes.


both boys, after ten minutes of walking, were now laying on the grass. baekhyun felt happy, so happy he felt like the worlds weight had suddenly been lifted off his shoulders. the best part was, it was almost like old times.


as he lay there, listening to sehun blabber nonsense, he couldn't help but admire the younger. he'd missed this so much.

sehun, noticing the unusual silence, turned his body so he was facing the other. both of their faces were so close, breath mingling.

and that's when baekhyun  grabbed the younger's face, pressing his lips to sehun's.


hola i iz back

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