need [9]

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sehun had been locked in his room for a day without anything to eat. his mom was obviously worried, and she tried her best. but she knew her son well. and if there was anyone who could fix him, it was byun baekhyun.

the guilt had been eating baekhyun up. he couldn't believe that he had ended nine years of friendship just like that, and let the love of his life slip away from his fingers. at least he'd told told the girl properly to back off. he did it immediately after their fallout.

it was after their kissing session that baekhyun had realized that he was head over heels for the younger but taller boy. he had always noticed minor details; how sehun's eyes closed when he laughed or grinned, how his pink lips would be set into a pout when he didn't get what he wanted, how he enjoyed it when baekhyun ran his hands through his hair. baekhyun could go on and on, but then the list would last forever.

he wanted sehun back. he needed sehun back. he just wasn't sure if sehun wanted the same.

sehun was laying in his bed, humming along to one of his favorite songs. a song that baekhyun had introduced him to; a song that held so many memories.

he wanted baekhyun back. he needed baekhyun. but he just wasn't sure if baekhyun wanted the same.


heyy so question;
should i make them end up together or nah?

heyy so question;should i make them end up together or nah?

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