blush [5]

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"sehun! it's not my fault that i'm..."

sehun shot baekhyun a look, tilting his head slightly. "go on." he pried, leaning a bit closer to the other. baekhyun tried to keep his breathing steady as he stared at sehun's annoyingly handsome face.

"stop being so mean!" baekhyun pouted, making sehun's gaze immediately go towards his lips. baekhyun tried not to smile. sure, sehun may have a huge affect on him, but he could make the younger flustered too.

"byun baekhyun! oh sehun! don't make me regret putting you two as partners," the teacher threatened, seeing as the two were clearly not working on anything. "yes ma'am!" they chorused, baekhyun picking up a pencil and pretending to work.

"do you even know what our project is on?" sehun dead panned, amused by the squiggly lines baekhyun was drawing. baekhyun hid his smirk and leaned closer to sehun, biting his lip. "don't think so lowly of me, sehun-ah."

sehun's eyes noticeably widened, his cheeks tinting a pinkish colour. "aww, you're blushing!" baekhyun cooed, ruining the mood. he pinched the younger's cheeks tightly, making sehun scowl. turning away, he tried to hide his cheeks from baekhyun as he scoffed. "no i'm not. you'll never be able to make me blush anyways."

baekhyun raised an eyebrow at sehun. "is that a challenge?"

sehun shrugged with a mischievous look on his face. "depends on how you take it."

"you're paying for lunch if i make you blush." baekhyun decided. sehun nodded, not expecting the older to be that touchy since baekhyun was really shy when it came to that stuff.

or so he thought.

as sehun narrated the paragraph from the book into easier words on the paper, baekhyun placed his hand on sehun's thigh.

slowly he brought his hand up and down, making sehun suck in a breath as baekhyun's hands went closer towards his member.

"baekhyun what do you think you're doing?" sehun hissed, glaring down at the paper.

"getting myself free lunch." he said simply, before grinning. "sehunnie, don't hide your face. that way I can't see if i've won or not!"

baekhyun damn well knew he had won. now he was just having fun teasing sehun. lifting the taller boys head, before he could even think he quickly pecked sehun on the lips.

"so, what're we having for lunch?"


i'm saying sorry in advance because English isn't my mother tongue soo yeah
idk anymore just be ready for the next chapter bc sehun wants his revenge

i'm saying sorry in advance because English isn't my mother tongue soo yeahidk anymore just be ready for the next chapter bc sehun wants his revenge

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camera angles do wonders ^^

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