flowers [18]

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[a/n: so i changed lilies to snowdrops. you'll understand the importance towards the end]

practically fuming right now, baekhyun stomped over to the girl.

not giving him a second glance, she smiled. "i was expecting you."

"does it look like i give a fuck?" baekhyun hissed, shaking his head. "if it wasn't for you none of this would've happened. he wouldn't have lashed out on me, we wouldn't have gotten into that fight. he wouldn't have felt the need to drive to my place."

i wouldn't have realized i was in love with him, and it might have not hurt so much.

"you realize what you're doing right?" finally she turned around and met baekhyun's eyes, sending shivers down his spine. there was something so- unusual about them. it was rare enough koreans had coloured eyes, but here she was with grey ones. not even grey. they were silver- yes that shiny, sparkly, glittery silver- that seemed eons old. like they'd seen millions of people, things, places. it was unnerving.

"you're looking for someone to blame. what is it, byun baekhyun? can you not handle the fact that you're in love with your best friend? afraid of rejection? or is it about your pride-"

"shut up." baekhyun interrupted, trying but failing at glaring at her. curse those weird ass eyes.

the girl let out a giggle, once again averting her gaze from baekhyun. "ah, i love getting them all worked up." she murmured, almost as if she were in a daze.

"what the fu-"

"tell you what, byun-"

"you can just call me baekhyun."

"byun baekhyun," she repeated, giving the short male a warning glare. "give sehun these snowdrops, and i promise you everything will go back to normal. you'll finally wake up."

"what? wake up? what do you-" not letting him finish, she shoved the bouquet into baekhyuns chest and walked off.

wearily glancing at the flowers in his hands, baekhyun decided the best thing was to give these to sehun.

after all, what other hope did he have left?

the snowdrop flower has several meanings depending on the context. the most common meanings are:




-consolation or sympathy.

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