bothered [6]

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things get 0 to 100 real quick.


"ahh, that was some good lunch." baekhyun sighed, closing the door behind him and sehun. before he could comprehend it, his back was pressed against the wall next to the door and his hands were pinned up beside his head.

"you had to choose the most expensive things on the menu." sehun muttered in a low voice, his lips hovering over baekhyun's ear. baekhyun felt a shiver run down his spine at how deep sehun's voice seemed to have gotten.

"sehun i– what?" it was a bit hard for baekhyun to speak because sehun's lips working on his neck was really doing something to him.

"payback," the taller boy answered simply, moving his lips along baekhyun's neck at a torturous pace.

baekhyun tilted his head back slightly, giving sehun more access. "mm, sehun," he breathed as sehun sucked on his skin.

sehun slowly let go of baekhyun's hands, resting his own on the older's hips as baekhyun immediately clutched his shoulders.

at this moment every thought of sehun being practically his brother and how this was wrong was gone. all he could focus on was those sinful lips and how every kiss felt like fire on his skin.

baekhyun impatiently awaited to feel sweet lips on his as sehun placed a burning open mouthed kiss on the corner of his jaw. sehun, feeling accomplished now, gently took off baekhyun's hands from his shoulders and walked over to the couch, turning on the tv.

baekhyun gaped in shock, his hands immediately flying to his face that was very hot.

stomping over to the younger, he hit sehun hard on the head.


"oh sehun! what the hell was that?!"

"like i said, it was payback for school!"

"how dare you! i am your hyung. you need to learn to respect—"

"c'mere." sehun said, opening his arms for baekhyun. baekhyun huffed, grudgingly going over to where sehun was and curling up next to him on the couch.

he buried his face in sehun's chest, embarrassed on how his best friend had left him all hot and bothered.

"baek, i'm sorry." sehun murmured softly, soothingly rubbing baekhyun's back. baekhyun smiled slightly, giving sehun a tight squeeze. "it's okay."

he sighed, feeling something in his stomach. what was this feeling? did he possibly...

"you can't deny that you enjoyed it though."

"aish, what will i do with you?"


lol baek where tf are your parents?
dw guys, I have like five gallons of holy water. quite enough to go around. I'M SORRY IF THIS IS SHITTY I'M JUST REALLY MAD AT WATTPAD BECAUSE IT DELETED THIS CHAPTER ONCE AND THIS IS A REWRITE.

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