oblivion [7]

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guyss I reinvented my acc because my friend and I made another one yayy


"ugh, i thought we'd gotten rid of her!" baekhyun groaned, tugging sehun's hand and increasing his pace. "calm down, she goes to the same school as us. that's why she needs to take the same way."

"yeah, and it's totally necessary for her to keep her phone up! not to mention all the clicking noises!"

"you mean she's taking pictures?"

"well duh! and we have no clue what she'll do with them. maybe she's out to get us and might photoshop it to something horrible..." baekhyun shivered, because of the cold and the thought.

sehun, seeing as the older was feeling cold pulled him closer and rubbed his arm. "we're almost there. we won't see her for a while then in classes."

baekhyun smiled slightly, humming in agreement. "yeah, okay."

(a/n: FLUFFF also lol i'm not that much of a troll there's more)

"you know, sometimes I forget you're the maknae of the group." baekhyun blurted out, taking a sip out of his coke. all nine of them were currently seated on two joint tables, making probably the most noise in the cafeteria.

"you look so..." baekyun reached up, playing with sehun's cheeks. "sho?" sehun asked with difficulty, his pronunciation coming out wrong as a result of his cheeks being pressed together.

"squishy." the shorter male ended, stretching the younger's face in various ways. what the two didn't notice was that everyone was staring at them, whispering, because of certain messages they'd gotten.

"guys, hate to ruin your moment but..." yixing trailed off, handing them his phone. both of their eyes widened. "i told you so!" said baekhyun, at the same time sehun muttered a 'what the hell'.

"there's pictures from yesterday too oh my god." sehun groaned in embarrassment covering his face with his hands.

baekhyun just scrolled through the messages, his mouth falling open in shock. exactly how had she gotten the ones of the events that occurred before she had moved into the neighborhood.

but if there's one thing baekhyun realized, it's that sehun and him have grown much closer, well physically, after her arrival. what he couldn't decide was;

was that a good thing or a bad thing?

"you know, there's one thing that i don't get." junmyeon spoke, interrupting the silence. "what good will it do leaking these pictures of you? the only thing it does is spark up questions like..."

"are you guys dating?" minseok finished, making everyone's heads turn to them.

baekhyun furiously shook his head. "no, not yet— i mean! we'll never date. sehun and i are friends, best friends and that's all it is. it would be weird to date him. we are nothing more than friends."

sehun, who was fuming now, abruptly got up and left the table. baekhyun mentally cursed himself for saying that. but why did it make sehun so angry?

"i swear to god, sometimes it's jongin and kyungsoo, sometimes it's you and sehun." chanyeol groaned, face palming.

d.o, with a slight pink splattered across his cheeks got up. "i should check on sehun." he said quickly, speeding out of the cafeteria.


god dammit baekhyun why you gotta always friend zone my child

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