call [10]

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it was finally after a few days that sehun decided he couldn't be locked in his room anymore.

it was now suffocating him, and every time he tried to get up or walk his head would pound as a result for barely having any food. he barely had any energy, but he decided it was time to get out.

shrugging on his jacket, sehun grabbed his wallet, keys and phone before heading out the door.


sehun had been driving for half an hour now.

he had taken three rounds around his own neighborhood, and was now finally going a bit further than that.

i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry baek.

he chewed on his lip, trying to concentrate straight ahead.


Both best friends sat in the cafe, sehun sipping his bubble tea and baekhyun talking excitedly about his day.

"so then i was like– um, can i help you?" he suddenly cut off, noticing the girl who had approached them a few seconds ago.

"yes, actually. i was wondering if i could have your number?" she said confidently, putting her phone out.

sehun could feel the jealousy building up inside him. why? why was he so angry that this girl was flirting with baekhyun? wasn't he supposed to be happy for his best friend?

"hey, uh baek, we need to go. eomma's calling." sehun interrupted, getting out of his seat.

"what? oh, i'm sorry but I need to go." baekhyun excused himself from the girl, giving her a small smile before falling into pace with sehun.

sehun immediately wrapped his arm around baekhyun's waist, still not feeling the jealousy die down as they walked towards the parking lot.

"what's wrong? why the arm around my waist?" baekhyun teased.

"just felt like hugging someone." sehun shrugged, staring straight ahead.

there was no denying it now. he, oh sehun, was in love with byun baekhyun.

/end flashback/

sehun felt a burning feeling in his throat, his vision turning blurry. "i'm sorry baekhyun, i'm so so sorry."

that was all he said before he was sobbing without stopping, the pain increasing and the tears falling one after the other.

what he didn't notice was the car speeding towards him, and before he knew it, it was all black.



baekhyun swung his legs back and forth, staring at his phone with furrowed eyebrows.

sighing, he quickly pressed the call button and hoped for sehun to pick up.

"sehunnie pabo! you're making this so hard..." he muttered, before trying again.


...Sorry? But most (all) of you wanted them to end up together so this has to be done.

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