talk [13]

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"get out!" baekhyun groaned, burying himself deeper under the blankets.

"baekie, you can't be like this." chanyeol said lowly, taking a seat next to where the shorter male's body lay.

"tell me why, chanyeol. why can't i give up already if i know he's never going to be the same again?" baekhyun said bitterly, turning to face the younger. 

"you didn't even bother-"

"why should i bother? why should I give my self false hope? sehun isn't going to be okay. he doesn't remember anything, not even his own mother. if i go to see him again, i won't be able to let go and i'll watch him slowly forget everything until his mind is completely blank. i can't do it chanyeol, i'm not strong enough."

"baekhyun, do you believe in miracles?"

"chanyeol this isn't the-"

"what else can i do then? i tried talking to you but all you gave me was that shitty answer with a bunch of 'i''s. did you not once think of how if sehun does regain his memories, you won't be there? why? because you're being too goddamn selfish. yes, you'll probably get more hurt than us, but at least we're doing something. at least one of us goes in the morning to talk to him and do exercises that might help him regain his memories."

as chanyeol regained his breath having saying those words in a rush, baekhyun stayed quiet.

"did you even bother listening to what the doctor said?" chanyeol said is a softer tone, calming himself down.

baekhyun slowly shook his head.

"well he said sehun could get his memories back anytime. things that help with getting memories back are people who had a huge impact on the person's life. maybe if he see's you often, he might just..."

"take me to the hospital please chanyeol." baekhyun interrupted the silence, gulping back the lump in his throat.

as the taller make got up, he was surprised with a bone crushing hug from the older.

"thank you." baekhyun whispered.


hMmM ok so my tests have started and I wrote this chapter in like ten minutes sorry if it's shitty but you go chanyeol!

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