Part 8

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George’s POV :

 I checked the whole right side of the domain but I didn’t find anything. So weird. I went back to the pick nick tables but Sarah wasn’t back yet. I decided to wait here for her. She would be back soon, I hope. After another 10 minutes, I was getting a little bit worried. So I started to look for her.

“SARAH?” I shouted a few times but I never got a response. Where the hell is she?

 “SARAH? WHERE ARE YOU?” I shouted but nothing. I was now on top of the hill but I still haven’t found her. “SARAH?”

I really started looking for her everywhere... But then I noticed something. Something white, down the hill. I went a little bit closer to the edge of the hill to see what it was, and then I realized it was something of clothes. “What…” but then I saw what it was, or better who it was. It was Sarah.

“SARAH!” I screamed in panic. The first thing I did, was trying to get to her. I tried to crawl down the hill but that didn’t work out without falling.

 “Awtch, fuck… Argh.. fuck!” I had fallen right on my knee. “Oh damn it..” I swore. That fucking hurts. I got tears in my eyes of the pain but I just had to get to Sarah. “Sarah! Sarah!” I shook on her arm but she didn’t move. “SARAH! Can you hear me?!” I shouted but she didn’t response. Fuck it. I need to get help. I tried to get up myself but that freaking hurted but I just have to get to Sam. Oh god, how I wished I had my phone with me.

 I stumbled away. Luckily, I didn’t have to crawl back up the hill. You could just walk on the side of the lake. I tried to run but I just couldn’t. My knee was hurting too much. Just when I arrived at the open spot with the pick nick tables, the door of Charlie’s place went open. “CHARLIE!” I shouted. He looked up surprised. “George? What the hell happened to you?” he asked. “Go get Sam! Now! Something happened to Sarah! Hurry up Charlie. Go get Sam, please!”

He immediately ran to Sam’s office without asking more questions. Only 5 minutes later, Charlie and Sam came running back, both in their pyjamas.

 “What happened George?” Sam asked. “Call an ambulance, now, Sam.” “George, just… What happened? Tell me!” “SARAH HAS FALLEN DOWN THE HILL.” I screamed. “WHAT?” Charlie shouted. “Charlie, you go to my office and call for an ambulance. George, you’re gonna show me where she is. Understood?” Sam asked. We both nodded.

 “What happened to you?” Sam asked. Even in the dark, I could see panic in his eyes. “I’m fine.” I lied “You’re not.” “Just… fallen on my knee, that’s all.”

“There!” I shouted when I saw her lying again. Sam ran to her. He tried to get her awake but she didn’t react. We stayed with her until we heard the sirens. It felt like ages before the ambulance arrived even though in reality, it was only about 10 minutes. “I’m gonna get the paramedics. You stay here.” Sam said, got up and ran away. Sarah still didn’t move.

 A few minutes later, Sam came running back with 2 paramedics. They both kneeled next to Sarah. I just got out off the way so they could do their job. “Sarah? Can you hear me? My name is Mason.” the paramedic said, hoping to get a reaction but nothing. This is so scary. “She needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible.” the other paramedic said. “Yeah she does.”

They first put this thing around her neck as support and then they put her very carefully on the stretcher. They carried her all the way to the ambulance. In the mean time, all the kids had woken up because of the sirens. But the other leaders told them to go back to bed and they didn’t have to worry about what happened. Little did they know what really happened.

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