Part 21

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After breakfast, I left to the hospital to pick Sarah up, the boys stayed to help with the kids. They wanted it. Sarah’s parents agreed she could go back to the camp on the condition she would be careful. And I also have to tell her the truth now.. That’s gonna be so difficult.

 “Hey there.” I smiled when I walked inside her room. She was already packing her stuff. “Hello there.” “Don’t you suppose to rest?” I asked. “I’m fine.” she smiled. She gave me a kiss on the cheek but I just started thinking about everything again. How do I have to tell her?

 “What’s wrong? You look so worried, where’s your beautiful smile?” “Sarah, there’s something you need to know.” “Wow, you sound very serious.” “We know who pushed you.” “What? Who?” she shouted. “It was Quinn.” “What?!” she shouted.

 The look on her face.. It was just.. she was so shocked. She just had to go and sit down on the bed. “Oh God..” she sighed and looked me straight in the eyes again. “What?” “She told me a few days ago that I had to stay away from you. That you were hers and she would do everything to get you back. Oh God..” she sighed. “What? Why didn’t you tell me this?” “I didn’t think she really meant it, I didn’t know she would actually do such thing.”

 I sat down on the bed next to her. “The police arrest her.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “I’m just happy they found out who did this.” she said and laid down with her head on my shoulder. “Did she say why she did this?” “To get me back. This was all my fault.” “What?! No George, this is not your fault. Don’t you ever dare to say that again.” “Okay, I won’t.”

 She looked me straight in the eyes again. She really has beautiful eyes. Maybe I should listen to Charlie and take that step. “What? Why are you staring? Is there something on my face?” “No, no, nothing. Just... I love you Sarah. And I mean it, I’m.. Ok, I’m such an idiot is these kind of things but..” I just couldn’t finish my sentence anymore because she pushed her lips on mine. One word, AMAZING. I just closed my eyes to enjoy this moment.

 “Finally.” she smiled and I opened my eyes again. “Finally, indeed.” I smiled too. “And... I love you too George.” she winked. Right then, a nurse came in to say that everything was okay and that she could go home.

 “Ready to go?” I asked. “Totally. Can’t wait to see the kids again.” “I’m so happy everything is okay again. I mean, it’s been some really though days lately so..” “George, just, zip it. Forget about it. It’s over. I’m okay again, you’re okay again. Let’s just go back to the camp and enjoy the last 3 days of the camp.” she said. “Yeah. You’re right. Let’s do this.” I smiled. “Now that’s the spirit.” She smiled and softly kissed me.

 We both took one bag and left. The first thing she did when we were in the car, was turning on the radio. “What? I’ve missed music, you know. My IPod was still lying somewhere in my room on the camp.” she said. “You could’ve told me, then I would have brought it with me.” “Nah, it’s good. My ears got some rest.” she laughed.

 “IT’S GOING DOWN. I’M YELLING TIMBER.YOU BETTER MOVE, YOU BETTER DANCE. LET’S MAKE A NIGHT YOU WON’T REMEMBER. I’LL BE THE ONE YOU WON’T FORGET.” we both sang to the radio. I really like this song, it’s so catchy. We pretty much sang along to every song that came on the radio. “Ow, this one is a good one.” I said and turned it even louder. I think everyone outside could hear what song we were listening to. “BECAUSE I’M HAPPY, CLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL LIKE A ROOM WITHOUT A ROOF. BECAUSE I’M HAPPY,  CLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL LIKE HAPPINESS IS THE TRUTH. BECAUSE I’M HAPPY, CLAP ALONG IF YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPINESS IS TO YOU. BECAUSE I’M HAPPY, CLAP ALONG IF YOU FEEL LIKE THAT’S WHAT YOU WANNA DO.”

 “I’m actually kinda nervous.” she said when we arrived back at the camp. “Why?” “I don’t know. It’s just kinda weird.” “Don’t be nervous. And remember, I’m here for you.” “I know, I know.” she smiled. “THERE’RE BACK.” I heard some of the kids screaming which made both of us look up. Little Simon. “I think they really missed you.” “I’ve missed them too but it’s just weird to be back.”

 “SIMON!” Sarah shouted when we both got out of the car and he pretty much jumped in her arms. “Ow easy little one. Be careful.” I laughed. “Are you okay again?” “I am but like George just said, I need to be careful.”  “Ow okay.” Simon said.

 “Well hello there, I already thought I heard a car. Really good you’re back Sarah.” Sam smiled “Yeah, I’m glad I’m back again.”

Then the other kids of our group came running towards Sarah, followed by Josh, Jaymi and JJ. It was one big group hug. After all these hugs, the kids let her finally go.

 That night, Sam, Charlie, Chloe, Zoe, Josh, JJ, Jaymi, Sarah and I spent the night outside. We did a little camp fire again but without the kids and music and stuff. The kids were actually already gone to bed. Sarah laid on her back on the grass, with her head on my lap.

 “Okay, it’s getting cold actually.” Sarah suddenly said and got up. “I have a blanket.” I smiled. That made her also smile and she crawled very close to me. I softly kissed her on her forehead and that is something the boys had noticed. They all looked with a questioning look on their face. Josh even made a heart sign with his hands to ask if there was something going on, Sarah didn’t notice that. I nodded, with a smile on my face. “Finally.” Josh whispered but only the boys and I heard it. Sarah was almost asleep on my shoulder and the rest of the group was having a deep conversation about.. I don’t know what. “I love you.” I whispered in her ears. “I love you too.” she whispered back, looked me straight in the eyes and kissed me. “What the... Hey love birds, when’s the wedding?!” Charlie joked. I don’t care what everyone else thinks, I love Sarah to pieces. That’s it.

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