Part 23

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A few weeks later :

 Today is finally the day. George and I are freaking going to Paris. I honestly can’t wait. I couldn’t actually sleep during the travel, George did. We had to get up very very early this morning so he’s still very tired.

 “Wow.. This is amazing.” I said when we arrived at the hotel and got out of the car. We first checked in. They said we could go to our room within an hour. At 12 o’clock. George and I first went to get something for lunch. I was starving. After that, we went back to the hotel so we could unpack. This afternoon, we wanted to visit Montmartre.

 “Ok babe, let’s do this.” George laughed when we were at the stairs to climb up to Montmartre. “Erm… That are a lot of stairs George..” “Come on, let’s go to the top. You have an amazing view over there.” he smiled and he even ran up some stairs already. “Can’t we take the lift?” I asked. I really didn’t want to do all these stairs. “I thought you were terrified of lifts?” “I am but… I will happily make an exception. I’ll close my eyes.” “If you want so.” “Or…, you take the stairs and I take the lift?” I laughed. “Let’s make it a challenge to see who’s up there first. You or me.” George laughed. “Deal! And the loser.. Erm… He needs to give the other one a massage tonight, how about that?” “We have a deal, girl!” “Well, I’ll see you on top then.” I laughed. I first went to buy a ticket. He ran up the stairs immediately. I bet he will be dead at the top. But I was lucky. I didn’t had to wait for a lift, I could get in one immediately. Somewhere half way the stairs, I crossed George. Yep, it was very clear who was going to be the winner.

 He needed to do like 15 more stairs but I was on top first. “Finally. There you are.” “I’m… Urgh.. I’m dead. Why exactly did we do this challenge?” he sighed. He sat down on the stairs. He was sweating so hard. But that’s pretty normal. It’s about 28 degrees or something. “Here, some water, you can use that.” “You are a terrible girlfriend, you know that.” “What? Why?” “Because you took a freaking lift. I took the stairs.” “You are the one who wanted to do this challenge.” I laughed.

 “Hey, are you George from Union J?” suddenly 2 girls, who came out of nowhere, asked. “Yeah, I am. A very sweaty George from Union J.” he laughed. “Can we have your signature, please?” “Sure.” he smiled. After that, they walked away, totally freaking out on the inside, I guess. “I’m actually happy they didn’t ask for a photo. I look terrible.” he sighed, I just burst out laughing. It’s true what they say. You have to most amazing view over Paris right here. We spent the rest of the afternoon up here, and had some dinner in one of the restaurants over there.

 “You know, remember what we said? What does the loser needs to do?” I laughed when we were back in our hotel room. “You should better give me a massage. My feet hurt so much.” “Ow, pour you.” I laughed. “I need a shower.”

 While George was taking a shower, I was watching some TV, even though I didn’t understand a word of it. My French is not exactly that good. Eventually, we spent the entire night watching some TV. It was a movie with Louis De Funès on it, ‘Le gendarme et les extra-terrestres’. Even though I didn’t understand everything, you just laugh so hard with everything they do in the movie.

The next day we visited a few things, like Jardin Du Luxembourg and also The Notre Dame. That is huge. The next day was a special day for me. My birthday. And today, we would finally visit the Eiffel Tower. Can’t wait. But I’m scared too. I’m actually terrified of heights. And I haven’t told George yet about that.

 “Babe, hurry up.” George shouted when I was still in the bathroom. “The Eiffel Tower is not going to run away, you know.” I shouted back. I don’t know what’s gotten into George today, but he’s acting weird. We did start the day on a good way. Breakfast in bed for my birthday. Awesome way to start the day. But George is acting so stressy. “I’m ready.” I smiled. “Finally. It’s almost 11am.” “George, what’s wrong with you. Why are you so stressed up? It’s my birthday. Relax.” I smiled.

Ok, the Eiffel Tower is high. Like very very very high. Ow shit. “Are… Are we going to the top of the Eiffel Tower?” “Yeah of course.” George smiled. “Is… Is the second platform.. Isn’t that high enough already?” I asked. “Babe, are you scared?” “No.. No.. Ok, maybe a little bit. I’m not really a big fan of heights too..” I admitted. “Right. So you’re scared of lifts and heights? Erm… I’ll hold your hand. Come on, we need to do this. Remember what I said to you, back at summer camp? YOLO. Remember that.” he winked. “Erm..” “Come on.” he smiled. We first had to go through customs. They really checked if you didn’t have any bottles in your bag or anything. You had to take 2 lifts. The first one only goes until the second platform.

 “Uh.. high. Very high. George…” I stuttered. I’m so scared already and then George is taking me to the top. “Come on babe. Look at the view.” “Can’t. I’m too scared.” “Do you trust me?” “Erm.. Yeah. Of course.” “Then follow me.” he smiled. He took me till to the railing. “George.. No. No. No.” I really just closed my eyes. “I don’t get it. Back at summer camp and stuff, you even jumped of the rocks.” “They were not as high as the Eiffel Tower, you know.” “And planes? You’re not scared in planes. That’s weird babe. I would expect you’d be terrified in that.” “That’s something else. Then I always sleep, or watch a movie.” “You’re crazy. That’s why I love you.” he smiled. He stand behind me and held me in his arms. Now I feel safe.

 “Time to take the lift to the top. Ready?” “Do I have a choice?” I laughed. “Nope.” he laughed. The entire time in the lift, I cuddled with George so I felt safe. “Why are we the only ones in the lift? That’s creepy.” I whispered. “I don’t know babe. But don’t worry. You’re going to love it up there.”

 “We’re here.” George smiled. “I’m not getting out of this lift. Nope. Not a chance. I just wait till he goes back down. This is too high.” “You have to.” he winked. When the door of the lift opened,  all the others waiting there. “SURPRISEEEEEEEE!” They all shouted. Oh my God. Jaymi and Olly. JJ and Caterina. Josh. “What the…” I really didn’t know what to say.“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!”

 “Oh my God, guys…” I was so happy. I hugged all of them and they all gave me a lot of presents. “How..?” I asked. That was the only word coming out of my mouth. “It was George’s idea to surprise you.” Josh answered. “And what a surprise.” I laughed. “They are staying till Saturday.” George whispered in my ear.

 I just totally forgot I was on top of the Eiffel Tower. I just didn’t care. I was there with my love and with my friends. That’s the most important. “Thank you so much for everything.” “I love you.” “I love you too George.” I smiled and kissed him full on his lips. “And.. There’s something else I need to ask you. Why don’t you come live with me instead of your tiny, little apartment?” “Really?” I asked surprised. I totally didn’t expect this. “Of course.” “I would love to.” I smiled and kissed him again.


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