Part 9

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“And how about you? What happened to you?” Mason asked. “I’m fine.” “No you’re not. And erm.. how about that?” Mason asked and pointed to my eyebrow. Now that I touched it, I realized I also had a wound there. “It’s okay.” I just said. “Damn it, George, can you please stop. You’re also hurt. Let the paramedics take a look at you.” Sam pretty much yelled at me. I sat down on one of the benches, and damn God, I was happy I could sit down. Now I realized my jeans were also totally ripped.

 I really hurted when Mason was looking at my knee. “You’ve got an open wound on your knee. And you also need stitches for that wound on your eyebrow. I’m gonna call for back up. We need another ambulance.” “No no! That’s not necessary.” I quickly said. “Yes it is George.”

The other ambulance arrived in another 10 minutes. I really think it was unnecessary but yeah..

Sam stayed with me in the ambulance. “Sam, can I use your phone? I need to call some people.” I asked him. “Yeah sure.”

 Luckily for me, I knew the boys’ there numbers. I called all of them, even though they were all asleep already. They all said they would come to the hospital immediately. Ones we arrived at the hospital, I just wanted to get out of the ambulance and see if Sarah was okay. I didn’t have to stay on this bed. “George, I know you don’t wanna be on this bed but at least, get in a wheel chair, your knee needs to rest.” the paramedic said. “Fine.” I sighed and got in it. I really didn’t care about my knee, all I needed to know, was if everything will be okay with Sarah.

 One of the doctors came to me to check my knee. “That can wait, how is Sarah?” “They are taking care of her, don’t worry.” “Is she gonna be okay?” “She is in great hands Mr. Shelley.” “Please, call me George.”

Right on that moments, Jaymi and JJ walked in. “GEORGE.” I could see they were both very worried. “Mate, that phone call was terrifying. We were so worried, and we still are.” Jaymi said. “Josh is on his way by the way.” JJ said. A few minutes later, he arrived too. I was so happy the boys were here.

 “So, can you please explain us what happened?” Jaymi asked. “We… It’s erm… Sarah and I had to stay up this night, like some guards, you know. Suddenly, we heard someone screaming so we thought it was one of the kids. So we started looking. I took the right side of the domain, and Sarah the left side. I didn’t find anything so I went back to the pick nick tables and I waited there for Sarah. But she just stayed away and I was getting worried so I started looking for her. Then I saw her lying there… down the hill… I tried to get to her but yeah, I also fell and my knee is an open wound according to the paramedics and also this wound on my eyebrow.” “Oh my God…” Jaymi sighed. “How is Sarah?” JJ asked. “I don’t know. They are taking care of her.”

 “Mr. Shelley, can I take a look at your knee?” the doctor asked again. “Can I see Sarah first?” “No, I’m sorry. You can’t go in there now.”

“George, let they look after you, come on. Stop being so stubborn.” Jaymi said. “Fine.”  
The doctor brought me to the room. “Wait, let the boys come too. Please.” “Sure, no problem.”

I crawled on the bed. I really have to say, my knee does really hurt. “Okay, to take a look on your knee, we have to remove your jeans. You can choose, or we cut your jeans or you take it off yourself. It’s already ripped anyway.” “I’ll erm.. I’ll take it off, I have nothing else to wear.” I sighed. “I can call Olly so he could bring some jeans of me?” Jaymi suggested. “Or I can call Caterina?” JJ asked. “That’s really sweet guys and erm.. it doesn’t matter.” “I’ll call Olly.” Jaymi smiled and left the room so he could call. Now that I’ve taken off my jeans and took a proper look at my knee, I saw what a wound it actually was. Did I really fall that hard?

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