Part 20

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“GEORGE!” I heard her screaming behind me. I totally ignored her. I just ran outside. I had to be alone. I could see that Charlie and Chloe wanted to come after me, but they maybe thought I wanted to be alone for a bit. I went to my favourite spot in the domain again, the rock. Right there, I just crashed. I literally broke down in tears. This was all my fault.

 “Here you are, mate, we’ve been looking all around the whole domain. What happened in there?” Charlie asked. He and Chloe just came out of nowhere. “George...” Chloe immediately hugged me when she saw I was crying. “What happened?” Charlie asked. They both looked so worried. “This was all my fault.” I said, more whispering. “What are you talking about?” “What happened to Sarah.” I answered.

 “Mate, that is not your fault. Don’t even think about blaming yourself. It’s not, you heard is, NOT your fault.” Charlie said. “You don’t get it Charlie!” I suddenly shouted and got up. “Quinn did this to Sarah. To get me back. That was her plan. She thought if she could get Sarah out of her way, everything between me and her would go back to what it used to be before. She did this to Sarah to get my attention back.”

 “What? Quinn did this?” They both asked/shouted at the same time. “Yeah..” “Ow George..” Chloe sighed. She was now struggling too not to cry. “I need to call someone.” “Are you gonna call Sarah?” “No, I’ll tell her tomorrow. I need to call Josh, JJ and Jaymi. I just want them here.” “I can understand that.” Chloe said, rubbing my back.

 They said they would come immediately. I didn’t tell them yet why and they actually didn’t ask it either. Chloe, Charlie and I went then back to the kitchen. When we arrived at the open spot, I saw flashing lights of police cars standing in front of Sam’s office. Sam listened to me and called the police.

 We were all sitting on the benches, waiting. “GEORGE!” I heard someone screaming behind me. The boys were here. “GUYS! You have no idea how happy I am you’re all here.” “What the hell is happening here? What’s up with all the police cars?” Jaymi asked confused. Right when he asked that, the door of Sam’s office went open. Quinn came out of in, handcuffed, tears on her face, together with 2 police officers, Sam still standing in the doorway of his office, speechless.

 “We found out who did it, to Sarah.” Chloe answered in my place. “Oh God..” Jaymi sighed. It was a shock for the boys too, they all knew Quinn. “Why?!” JJ asked.

I didn’t listen anymore. I was just staring at her, and she was staring at me. “I need to ask one more thing.” I said and walked to the police car. “GEORGE.” Chloe shouted behind me. I bet they were all scared I would hurt Quinn.

 “Was this all worth it Quinn?” “George, please let me explain.” She begged. “No. I don’t even want to listen to it.” I said. I looked one more time at her and then I just walked away. I could hear she broke down in tears again but I honestly didn’t care.

 “I need a hug, guys.” I said when I was back with the boys. “Come here monkey. But mate, you need to explain us a lot.” Josh said. “I know Josh. I know.” I sighed.

 We all went back to Sam’s office. “You’re okay George?” Sam asked. “I’m fine. What did she told you?” “The truth. She confessed everything, that she pushed Sarah down the hill.” “Why? Why did she do this?” JJ asked. “To get me back. That’s why she did this. She saw Sarah as a threat. She wanted her gone so she could have me for herself. That’s why.” “That’s sick.” Jaymi sighed. “Yeah, oh God, how am I supposed to tell Sarah this tomorrow?” “George, you want us to come with you?” JJ asked. “No, it’s sweet JJ but I have to do this alone.”

The rest of the night, we watched some movies to stop thinking about it. It wasn’t really working. All  could think about was that Quinn did this to get me back. Sometimes, I wish the human brain has an on-off switch so that you sometimes can turn it off and forget everything for a minute. I felt some tears coming up again, but I just didn’t wanna show them in front of the boys so I closed my eyes and leant against JJ’s shoulder. Eventually, I just fell asleep.

 The next morning, I woke up, still with my head on JJ’s shoulder and a blanket lying on us. Josh and Jaymi were asleep in one of the beds. I got up, trying not to wake JJ up but he was still fast asleep, and went to the bathroom. I just sat down on the toilet, I didn’t actually needed to go, I just wanted to be alone. Soon, everything that happened yesterday, came back. Flashbacks. Seeing Quinn with the handcuffs and stuff.

 I woke up from my thought when the heck of the door went up and down and someone knocked on the door. Ow right, I had locked the door. “George, are you in there?” Sam asked, I recognized his voice. “Yeah, I am.” “Are you almost ready, I have to go to the toilet.” “Yeah, give me a one second.” I answered. I took one last look in the mirror. It’s gonna be hard to tell Sarah the truth.

 “The bathroom is all yours.” I said when I walked outside. “Thanks. Have you slept a little bit last night? I know it’s been a horrible day for you yesterday.” “Yeah, I did sleep. Thank you Sam for everything.” “No problem George.” “Ow and Sam, one more thing?” I asked, he almost wanted to close the bathroom. “Yeah?” “Can I borrow your car one more time?” “Sure.” “Thanks.”

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