Part 19

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“You’re back early.” Sam said when I walked inside his office. “Visiting hour was over. We had to leave. Here’s your key.” “Thanks. Ow, if you want to help with the groups or anything..” “Yeah, I’m first gonna get something for lunch okay?” “Sure, no problem.”

 After lunch, I helped with Charlie’s group. The 6-8 year old ones. A part of my group was also with them. We played all different games like hide and seek. It was fun. And my knee, it barely hurts anymore so that’s good.

 After that, I took a long, hot shower. Then, I laid down on my bed a bit and fell asleep straight away. God, I was tired. About an hour later, I woke up because I was starving. It’s time for dinner. “Are you going back to the hospital tonight?” Charlie asked and came sitting next to me at the dinner table. “No, tomorrow morning. She can go home then.” “Ow really? That’s amazing.” “I know.” I smiled.

 “Mate, really, you have to go for it. I can clearly see you’re so in love with her. Don’t be scared. You just have to make that step. I’ve done the same yesterday, you know.” Charlie grinned. “What..? Wait, are you and Chloe together?” “Yep.” He grinned. “That’s awesome Charlie.” “I know.” He smiled. Right on that moment, Chloe and Zoe walked in and Chloe landed right on Charlie’s lap.

 “I’m gonna get something to drink, love birds.” I said and got up. Honestly, I just don’t really wanna look at that for the moment. I mean, Charlie and Chloe are cute together but... Just not the right timing. I guess I was not the only one in the kitchen when I walked in because I heard 2 people talking. Girls’ voices. I’m not gonna interrupt them or anything, just quickly take some water. But then I heard a name in their conversation. Sarah. They are talking about Sarah?

 I couldn’t see them tough, they were behind the corner. “You have to tell Sam what happened.” I heard someone saying. “No, not a chance. No, we are not saying anything. WE, you heard it? WE are not saying anything.” “You’re a crazy bitch. You almost killed someone. You have to tell Sam and if you don’t do it, I will.” “Don’t you ever dare to tell Sam.” “Or what? You’re gonna push me down the hill too? You’re a monster Quinn. You could have killed her. And that only to get George back?”

 What the hell is happening. Quinn? And Jamie? What? Wait, Quinn did this? To get me back? Oh God.. I was so in shock that I literally had to lean against the wall not to fall. I was so shaking on my legs. 

 “George is mine, you understand.” “GEORGE IS OVER. GET OVER IT QUINN.” “NO! HE’S MINE!” “You’re sick. I’m gonna tell Sam, no matter you like it or not.” “NO!” she shouted and I could see she grabbed Jamie’s wrist.

 “LET HER GO.” I shouted and came from behind the corner. “George? How... How long have you been standing there..?” Quinn asked. “Long enough.” “It’s not what you think it is, George.” Quinn begged. “Jamie, go get Sam, now.” I said to her, totally ignoring Quinn. 

 “George, please, this is not what it seems.” “You almost killed Sarah. For what? To get me back? Is that what you wanted to do? You’re crazy Quinn. You really think I want you back? Not a chance. You almost killed the person that I love to pieces. You’re just disgusting, that’s what you are.”

 “What’s going on in here?” Sam asked and came running inside. “You better ask Quinn, she has a lot to tell you. Ow and Sam, you better call the police too.” I said and walked away, not looking at Quinn anymore.

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