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Emily's P.O.V

Oh crap! Way to go Emily, Niall just seen me and Harry kiss. I looked at Niall still stood by the door looking at me and Harry in shock and hurt. "Niall..hi, me and Harry were just about to come down.." I said to Niall. "It doesn't matter" Niall replied looking hurt. He walked out of the room and Harry just sat there with a grin on his face. "It isn't funny Harry..we've hurt him" I snapped at Harry. Harry just looked at his feet. I walked downstairs to find Niall, he was sat watching tv. "Niall, Harry was just talking to me about how he liked me and how you like me too and we just got caught up in the moment. I'm so sorry Niall, are you okay?" I tried comforting him. Obviously he's not okay, I just kissed someone infront of him. I hate myself for doing that. "Yeh, I'll be fine, I really do like you's just Harry steals the girls as usual" Niall replied.

Niall's P.O.V

I just accidently walked in on Emily and Harry kissing. I feel so stupid, now she's just going to think I'm a weirdo. Well done Niall. She came over to me and started 'comforting' me, I feel like a complete dick now.

Emily's P.O.V

It's now 7:55, Hannah will be here any minute. I went upstairs to look for Liam and the boys..they were all just playing on video games. I'm guessing they know about the party. I knocked before entering the room "Hey guys" I smiled as I walked in. "Hey emz" Liam said. The rest of them just waved before pausing the game. "Are you's coming to the party tonight?" I asked. "Nah, we're just staying here, well Zayns going out with Perrie, me and Louis will just stay here. "Yeh, we're fine here" Louis chipped in. I heard the doorbell go "bye guys, Hannah's here". I ran downstairs, looks like Niall already answered the door. "Hey Hannah" I smiled. "Heey" she replied. We went upstairs to get changed and sort ourselves out. "What are you wearing?" I asked. "This sexy blue dress..I want to look nice for Ast" she winked. "Well, okay.." I replied. "I'm wearing this new black dress my mam got me" I pulled out my dress and got changed and so did she. I curled my hair and put tied my fringe back with a rose clip. Hannah straightened hers. We then did our makeup and was ready to go. We put our heels on and walked downstairs. "Wow, you's look lush" Harry winked. Thanks, we both said. Niall walked in, "woah, you look really nice Emily and Hannah, is this all to impress Aston haha" Hannah just laughed and I giggled. (btw Harry wore black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a black jacket and Niall wore jeans and a green top). "Ready to go m'lady" Harry said in a posh voice as I hooked my arm in his. I could see Niall roll his eyes. "Hey, Hannah why don't you be with me till we get there?" Niall asked. "Yeh, alright" Hannah replied. AW. We got in Harrys car and when we arrived there was drunk people outside the house screaming on. Niall walked infront holding Hannah's hand and me and Harry behind. Aston walked to the front of the house, "Hey bruv" ( yeh I don't really know what Aston would say but ssh, I'm trying my best) "Hey mate" Niall replied. I am acctually very proud, Hannah's kept calm infront of him. "Who's this pretty babe" Aston asked Niall gesturing towards Hannah. I'm suprised she hasn't fainted. My arms are ready to catch her. "She's called Hannah, she's a massive JLS fan" Niall said. Aston looked Hannah up and down and licked lips. "Do you mind..I'd like to take her with me" He asked Niall. "No, she'd be more happier she's all yours" Niall said. Aston took Hannah's hand and took her away to some other place. Hannah quickly looked at me and winked. Me, Harry and Niall just stood there awkwardly. "Do you want a drink?Theres some over there.." Harry asked me. "Yeh, come on" Me, Harry and Niall walked over and got a drink.

--3 hours later--

Emily's P.O.V

Man, I feel so sick. All this drink is making me vomit. Harry's completely mortal and Nialls sort of the same stage as me. Harry's on the dance floor dancing by himself, Nialls stood next to me leaning against the door. I wonder where Hannah is..I haven't seen her since we came here since Aston just dragged her away. "Harry!" I screamed over the music. "Emily, come here and dance with me" He screamed back. Haha no, I'm not dancing, I can't dance. Niall grabbed my hand without any warning and pulled me onto the dancefloor and started dancing with me in his arms as 'Stay" by Rhianna came on. Harry wobbled over to us and tried splitting us up. "Harry wtf" Niall said. "She'" Harry slurred. Harry grabbed me and stared into my eyes. I looked over to see Niall sitting down on his phone. Then this blonde girl walked over to him and sat on his knee and started kissing him. I don't know why a wave of jealousy smaked me in the face. Harry grabbed my face and kissed me, he pushed me against the wall. I started kissing back. Then after that all I remember is having more to drink.

( Heeey, I can't write fanfics to save my life..This part is pretty crap but the next part is going to have a twist in it) ooooh -Emily xoxox

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