Oh, no..I'm pregnant.

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Emily's P.O.V

I can't believe it. I sat there staring at the pregnancy test..I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do. I ran my fingers through my fringe. I was shaking with fear of what Liam would say. Omg, what will Harry say? He's the father..at least I think. Liam is going to be so mad at the thought of me being pregnant at freaking 16!! I walked out of the toilet and downstairs. How the hell am I going to tell them? I seen Hannah making a cup of tea. I walked over and stood there watching her. "So, what did the test say?" She asked. I just stared at the floor. "Your pregnant arn't you" She said. She's always can tell if theres something wrong with me. "Y-yeh" I stuttered. I held back the tears. "Come here" She said pulling me into a hug. Thats one thing I love about my best friend, she's always there for me no matter what. I couldn't help it, a tear rolled down my cheek. Liam walked in, oh crap. I pulled away from Hannah and acted completely normal. I don't even know what to say to him. help. "Emily, you okay?" He asked walking towards me. What should I say? Should I tell him now? Or wait? Loads of questions were running through my head. I decided to tell him. "Liam I need to talk to you" I said. "Yeh of course" He replied. We sat down in the sitting room. "You promise me you wont go mad and freak out." I asked. "No, whatever it is Emily, I'm here for you". "I'm.....p..pregnant...." I said in fear of knowing what he's going to say. Liam stared at me in shock and anger. He sat there speechless. "Your going to have to get an abortion." He said seriously. "WHAT?NO are you kidding me?I can't do that..It's killing an innocent baby! No, no way..I'm keeping it" I shouted. No matter how young I am, I don't care, I'm completely AGAINST abortion. "Emily, you don't even know who the father is.." Liam said trying to stay calm. "Yes, I think I do. I think its..Harry's. He was the only one who was naked when I woke up" I said. "I'm going to kill him, fucking asshole..who does he think he is..your my fucking cousin. No, he's not getting away with it" He screamed. OH NO what have I done now. "Liam, listen. He was drunk..don't hurt him..he's your best friend" I said back. "Being drunk isn't an excuse" He shouted back. "He's got my cousin pregnant obviously I'm not going to stand for it. Your not going to suffer because of him. He's a man whore. He doesn't care about you..just your body" Wow that really hurt what Liam just said. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Emily, don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to tell you the truth" He said. He started cuddling into me. I cried into his shoulder. What if Harry doesn't care about me..what if Liam's words are all true. Just then, Niall and Hannah walked in. "Oh my god Emily whats wrong"I heard Niall, he came over to me and stroked my hair. "She's fucking pregnant all because of that bastard" Liam said. I just cried. I felt like a complete slut and worthless. Niall nearly fainted. "Ah my god, he's got you pregnant" Niall said shocked. "y..yeh" I said through tears. I heard the door open and shut. I hope it isn't Harry. It was. Harry walked in. "Emily love, whats wrong" I heard him say. "Stay the fuck away fron her" I heard Liam say. "Woah, whats wrong with you. Am I not aloud to see whats wrong with her"  "I think you've done enough Styles" Niall added. I sat up out of Liams grip. "Will someone tell me what I've did? I'm so confused" Harry said. "I'm pregnant Harry" I said. "WTF. What?" He said in shock. "It's mine right?" He asked. "Well, at least I think so.." I answered. "Yeh, Harry's the only one you had sex with" Niall added. Well that just makes me feel like a right slut. I sighed and went to my bedroom. I need some space. It's giving me too much anxiety and It's not good for the baby.

*2 hours later*

Harry's P.O.V

Can't believe she's pregnant. What have I done. I'm such a twat when I'm drunk. I have to support her through this, her being Liams cousin or not. Liam and Niall was pretty angry at me. I don't blame them. I decided to put the t.v on, Liam walked in. "Hey mate" I thought I'd try and talk to him. "Don't fucking talk to me" He replied snappy. "Look, I'm going to see if she's ok." I said making my way to the stairs. "Leave her alone. She doesn't want to speak to you. If I was her, I'd want a much better man to father my children" He said. "Wow, I know what I did was wrong but I'm going to support her through this no matter what" I said. "Don't lie Styles. We all know you. You don't even care" He said back. I'm going to loose it in a minute. "Look, your going to get a smack of me any minute if you don't shut the fuck up" I warned him. "I don't really care to be honest. I'll hit you twice as hard" He said back

Hanna's P.O.V

Me and Niall heard an arguement going on in the kitchen so we walked in to see what was going on.

"Whats going on?" I asked with my arms crossed. "He's being a complete dick" Harry said. "Oh, I'm the dick..Least I'm not the one getting a innocent 16 year old pregnant because I was 'drunk'" Liam said back. Harry looked pissed and punched Liam in the nose. "HEY STOP IT" I screamed. Liam had blood coming out of his nose and pushed Harry to the ground and started punching him in the face. Niall ran in to stop them but Liam pushed Niall over. "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU" I screamed even louder. I ran over and tried pulling Liam back. It didn't work. I called Ast really quickly. I kept trying to break the fight up. Just then, Emily came down the stairs with shock on her face. "STOP IT GUYS NOW" She screamed running over to them. Ast banged on the door and then decided to just walk in. "Whats going on?" He asked. He ran over and grabbed Liam while Emily grabbed Harry. Me and Ast took Liam into the sitting room and Emily stayed with Harry and Niall.

Emily's P.O.V

I can't believe it..Liam and Harry had a fight over me. I feel completely horrible now. "What happened?" I asked Harry. "I punched Liam and then things esculated" Harry answered.  I cleaned all the blood from Harry's face up. I then moved onto Niall's. "Emily, you don't have to..Your pregnant sit down" Niall said. "No,it's fine Niall honestly" I told him. When I finished I walked over to see Liam to see if he was ok. "Liam, I'm so sorry this is all my fault". "No Emily, it isn't. He started the fight" He said.

Liam's P.O.V.

Can't believe that prick started a fight with me. He's lucky someone pulled me back, he would of got seriouy injured. I feel really bad for Emily. All this stress is far too much for her.

Niall's P.O.V

I'm completely on Liam's side. I'm so annoyed with Harry. Emily would of been far more better of with me. I acctually care about her, unlike him. If she was with me the s

whole night, none of this would of happened.

Liam's P.O.V.

My phone was ringing..It was Zayn. "Hey mate, I wont be coming back for a couple of days. I'm staying with Perrie before she goes back on tour, Hope you don't mind?" He asked. "Erm, yeh sure I don't mind" I said. "Okay, mate I'll have to go now..". "cya mate" I hung up.

(Hey, hope you liked it. I don't think I will be updating tomorrow. But I'll try my best) ! -Emily xoxo

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