Chapter 1

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Shraddha's POV
Today's just gonna be another tiring day of college I thought as I woke up. Hi I'm Shraddha the sister of Jacqueline the amazing and most beautiful model ever. I live with my sister as our parents are no more. But I don't miss them much as I have my sister with me. Today I am what I am only because of my amazing sister.

I lay in bed scrolling through my phone before I get ready. I read cute good morning messages from the one and only, my boyfriend Aditya. Just as I was about to get up, My best friend Kriti calls. I took the day off yesterday so I know I'm going to get a lecture from her. "Hello" I answer the call. "Hello Skiver! You better be coming today." She says. "Yeah I am chill yaar" I laugh. "Il be at yours in 20 minutes." She says. I jump out of bed and quickly get ready. I run downstairs and have a bite of some toast. Mmm. "Shraddha sit down and eat your breakfast properly!" My sister Jacqueline commands. "Kriti's going to be here in 3.....2......1!" I count down. The doorbell rings. "She's here." I say. Jacqueline laughs as she hugs me. "Have an amazing day darling" she says. I quickly put my heels on and open the door. Kriti pulls me into a hug. "Don't ever leave me alone in college again!". She warns me. We sit in the car and the driver takes us to the campus.
"Your boyfriend missed you!" Kriti exclaimed. "Of course he would" I smirk. "Your never gonna believe me when I say he's a cheat are you?" She says. "I won't believe anything unless I see it myself yaar!" I exclaim. "Anyways, Shraddha um a new girl joined college yesterday and she's in most of our classes so I said she could hang around with us. And don't worry she's not those annoying types of girls. She's really nice her names Alia." Kriti says. "Cool" I say smiling. We walk into the campus and we are approached by a girl who I'm guessing is Alia. "Hi I'm Alia" she says. "I'm Shraddha" I say hugging her. "So how do you find your new college?" I ask. "So far so good" Alia chuckles.

*Lunch Time.*

Varun's POV
I see Alia sitting at a table so I decide to go say hi to her. "Hey Alu!" I say. "Hey Varun!, let me introduce you to my friends. This is Shraddha and Kriti" she says, they both say hi. I look at Shraddha and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "Varun I've heard amazing things about you" Shraddha says. I let out a little laugh and take a seat next to Alia. "How do you like this college so far?" Kriti asks. "To be honest it's pretty cool." I say. "Have you made any friends?" Shraddha asks. "Yeah, Ranbir. He's a nice guy" I say. Kriti makes faces and  Shraddha nudges her. Aditya then comes out of no where and kisses Shraddha. He then stares at Alia weirdly. "Hi baby" he says. "Hey" Shraddha blushes. Alia, Kriti and I looked at each other as it's awkward.

"Guys I can't watch these love birds, let's go." Kriti says standing up. Alia and I follow her. "When will this girl open her eyes, he's such a jerk." Kriti says frustrated. "What?!" Alia says shocked. "Aditya's cheating on Shraddha but every time I tell her she don't believe me. She will only believe it if she sees with her own eyes. She's so in love with him, it makes me sick!" Kriti exclaims.
"We could do something that makes him get caught cheating, I have a plan?" Alia says. "ALIA YOU ARE AWESOME!! My best friend will finally leave that jerk!" Kriti exclaims. "We a need a GOOD plan!" I say. "I already have ONE. So we could do this......." Alia explains the plan. Kriti jumps in excitement. "Let's do it now we have 30 mins of lunch left." I start panicking as Alia dragged me into this. "Varun you know what you have to go and do." Says Alia. I approach Shraddha who is taking to Parineeti. As I'm being forced to do this. "Hey Shraddha......" I say. Alia goes to Aditya and starts talking to him. Shraddha turns around and notices. "Why is Aditya talking Alia?" She asks me. I shrug and Shraddha walks closer to them. Alia then gestures me to let Shraddha approach Aditya. And Shraddha and I walk to them and stand behind Aditya. Aditya then says to Alia "well gorgeous, maybe you could give me your number and we could go on a date, just don't tell Shraddha." He winks. Shraddha's eyes widen in shock.

I hope you guys like this first chapter!
Will Shraddha finally believe Kriti?
There will be more of Jacqueline in the next chapter and Sidharth will also be introduced. Keep reading x

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