Chapter 3

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Shraddha's POV
As soon as we got in the house Jacqueline ran to her room. I was surely curious about what was wrong, but I don't want to throw my questions at Jacqueline. I quickly make some pasta and take it to Jacqueline's room.

"Di, you need to eat" I say sitting next to her on her bed. "I'm sorry I shouted at you in the car. I didn't mean to, I just can't tell you why I reacted that way." Jacquline says with guilt. I smile "I understand, now please eat." I say. She takes a bite.. "ew who made this?!" She asks making a screw face. "I did! Is it not nice?" I ask panicking. "Haha I was just kidding, it's delicious thankyou." She says.

We both eat together and watch the hilarious movie house full 3. "Shraddha you go get some sleep now, you have college" Jacqueline reminds me. "Goodnight" I hug her and go to my room and drift off to sleep.

*A few days later*
Varun's POV
That dinner was a disaster! I still don't understand why my brother got so angry. Anyway, I woke up to a sunny day. I got ready and went to college. Kriti was with Tiger, Alia was with Parineeti. They were all occupied in their conversations. As usual I saw Shraddha and went upto her "hey" I say. "Hi" she smiles. Shraddha and I have become close in these past few days. Alia and Kriti approach us and Kriti squeals "guys I'm going out with Tiger on New Years!!" Alia then says "I'm going out with Arjun!!" Shraddha giggles. "Wow have fun girls!" Shraddha says. "Haven't you got plans?" Kriti asks. "nothing apart from sitting at home and watching movies." Shraddha says. "seriously! come on don't be boring on new years, at least go out and have some company with you" Alia suggests. Kriti agrees. "no ones free!" Shraddha complains. "you know what Shraddha maybe I could take you out if you don't mind?" I add. "of course Varun, I'd surely love some company." Shraddha says happily. "Varun you saved Shraddha from dying of boredom on new years!" Kriti jokes. "SHUT UP YAAR!" Shraddha says.

Shraddha's POV
"Be ready at 8!" Varun says. As I get home, I start looking for an outfit to wear tonight. UGH! I can't find anything. "woah did a storm crash through your closet?" Jacqueline asks looking at the clothes scattered around my bedroom. "I'm going out with a friend and I have nothing to wear" I complain hoping my sister saves the day by lending me an outfit of hers. "I may have something you could borrow" she says almost like she read my mind. "THANKYOU SO MUCH DI!" I hug her tightly. She gives me a beautiful dress and I start getting ready. After about an hour I hear the door bell.

"SHRADDHA YOUR FRIENDS HERE!" Jacqueline shouts. I run downstairs and answer the door. "OMG! you look stunning" Varun says. "Aww thanks yaar" I say. Jacqueline interrupts and says "Shraddha don't be too late. Have fun on your date guys!" she winks. omg did she just say date! she then says "hi I'm Jacqueline Shraddha's sister." as she shakes Varuns hand. "I'm Varun, nice to meet you!" Varun replies looking handsome in his suit I couldn't take my eyes off him, since the day I met him I've kind of had a crush on him. "Shraddha shall we leave?" Varun asks me snapping me out my thoughts.

Varun takes me to a grand restaurant. The food was truly delicious. As we ate we talked about many things such as our lives, likes and dislikes and the rest. "Shraddha I've been wanting to ask you something for a long time now." he says. "ask anything." I say. After a lot of hesitation he finally says "will you be my girlfriend?" Does he know that I have a crush on him??? "Umm Yes." I say calmly when deep down inside I was screaming. We then go for dessert. We don't realise how fast time went and the clock struck 12:00! "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone around us cheers. "Happy new year Varun." I say. "Happy new year Shraddha." Varun replies and we kiss.

Will Shraddha and Varun make a good couple?                                                                   will their relationship cause Jacqueline and Sidharth problems?

keep reading...x

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