Chapter 1

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Scarlett Raven Black sat numbly in her dimly lit bedroom pondering her existence. Life had been a huge crapshoot for quite some time and most days she didn't even know why she continued to deal with everything. With a heavy sigh she crossed the room and flopped down onto her soft bed letting her mind wander.

Scarlett hadn't had the easiest life, not in any regard, and to say she was bitter about it was an understatement. Most times she tried to keep it together and not let her emotions show, as revealing too much would inevitably lead to everyone considering her weak, and if she was one thing, it definitely wasn't weak. However, now people considered her to just be completely emotionless and she just went with it.

It was only at home, safely in her room, where Scarlett let her true emotions burst forth and overwhelm her. Unfortunately, at the present time she just felt numb and no emotion seemed forthcoming. Sighing once more she rolled over and looked at her bedside clock. 2 AM. Fuck. She should be sleeping but lately sleep seemed to be an evasive bitch completely hellbent on never being caught.

Resigning herself to yet another sleepless night, Scarlett silently reached under her pillow and her hand closed on the razor she had hidden below. She was no stranger to the comfort that the simple metal object could give, and right now she just wanted to feel something, anything. Without another thought, Scarlett pulled her sleeve of her pajama top up and pushed the cold metal against her wrist, making several cuts and relishing in the pain it gave her. It wasn't enough though, it was never enough.

Scarlett's buzzing mind seemed to calm slightly however, and her body relaxed enough to allow her to fall into a light sleep. This wasn't to last though, as a sudden noise outside startled her awake and broke any peace her mind had finally allowed her. Bristling, she heard the noise yet again, and made the decision to investigate. Worst that could happen is that it was really a murderer wanting to murder her, but would that really be that bad?

Scarlett quickly slipped from her bed and threw on whatever clothes happened to be close by and a grabbed a flashlight and made her way downstairs and slipping out the door into the night. Almost as if the noise detected her presence it sounded again, and she followed it as it seemed to be moving steadily away from her. Quickening her pace to a run she followed it up the street and into some woods. Scarlett had used to play in these very woods as a child and expertly followed the noise even after she had gone off the path, all the while hoping that this wasn't a complete waste of time.

I at least better get murdered for all my trouble.

Suddenly the noise seemed to be right in front of her and she froze. It sounded almost like... a cat? Scarlett narrowed her eyes.

A cat? Really?! I came all this way for a cat?

Turning to leave, she heard it yet again. This time it sounded different. It sounded hurt. There was also the distinct sound of a dog growling.

Shit. Cat's dog food and now apparently I am too. What a great way to die. I was happier when I thought I was going to murdered.

Taking a deep breath, Scarlett carefully ran through the overgrown foliage and over downed tree limbs and she finally caught sight of it. There, a few yards in front of her, ran a small gray limping cat, which was surprisingly still moving at a good speed for being injured.

Focusing only on the cat she threw caution to the wind. She needed to catch it before the dog she knew was lurking did. No sooner had Scarlett made this decision her foot had caught on a tree root and she was suddenly tumbling, falling...falling...into the endless darkness...

Slowly, Scarlett felt herself coming back to awareness as the cobwebs that seemed to fill her head was clearing and the hamster in her brain seemed to jump back on its wheel.

What happened?

The thought had barely entered her mind when she was suddenly looking into the brown eyes of a very handsome young man.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now