Chapter 22

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Confused, she opened her eyes and saw him reaching into the cabinet for something. A second later he returned with a thermometer which he slid into her mouth despite her protests. He looked more concerned than annoyed at least, which suddenly she was grateful for.

Johnny watched her as he waited for the temperature and Scarlett felt uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. She could tell his mind was spinning with all the potential diagnoses and it made her feel worse.

At last he pulled the thermometer out and she heard him swear under his breath. She'd never heard him swear before and she knew at that moment she really fucked up.

Once again Johnny was pulling something out of the cabinet and he held out a bottle of pills towards her.

"Think ya could take a couple of these?"

Scarlett merely shook her head. Her stomach was starting to roil again at the very mention of trying to take anything.

"Don't think I could keep them down." Came her quiet reply.

"That's what I was afraid of." Johnny said as he placed the pill bottle back in the cabinet. "Your options right now are, let me take you to the hospital or I'll call a squad to take you."

Now that wasn't what she was expecting. Although maybe if her mind had been functioning at a hundred percent she would have.

"What?! No. No way. I'm okay. I don't need to go to the hospital." Scarlett protested but the look on his face told her that all the protesting in the world would be futile against him.

"You have a high fever, you're tachycardic, diaphoretic, you can barely sit up long enough to vomit and I'm willing to bet you're dehydrated from all the vomiting. You're not fine and you don't have much choice here."

Well, he wasn't wrong, she'd give him that. Scarlett let a sigh escape her and resigned herself to her fate. A fate that included that damn hospital again.

"Fine, I'll go, but I'd rather you took me." She replied, looking at the floor. "Last thing I want is to make this into a big deal."

"Alright. Do you think you can stand?" Johnny questioned as he moved to her side, concern still very much etched on his face.

"I - uh... Maybe." She really wasn't sure at this point. Plus her stomach continued to flip in the most unpleasant way she could imagine.

Without another thought she sat bolt right and began another round of retching into the toilet. Johnny was back in place holding her hair back, but she didn't much notice nor care between the continued spasming of her stomach.

As it ended, Scarlett closed her eyes and fell back against Johnny who caught her. He didn't miss her mumbled expression of pain either.

"Where does it hurt?"

"You mean besides everywhere?" She mumbled, and she knew her answer was probably a bit too vague for her paramedic boyfriend but it was best she could do at the moment. The world was starting to dim at the edges and she was feeling lightheaded. Scarlett knew she was going to pass out.

Johnny was speaking, but whatever he was saying was lost on her as the darkness won the battle over her consciousness.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now