Chapter 29

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Suddenly it was like Scarlett's mind shut down, rendering her completely speechless. They had never openly expressed their feelings this way before, and although she knew Johnny liked her, she hadn't expected him to love her. Thankfully he didn't seem to expect an answer as he continued.

"I want a life with you. I want... I want you to marry me and I want to raise our child together. I know this wasn't planned but I want it. I want you. I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

Wait, what? Was that a marriage proposal? She'd found out she almost died but came back, only to learn she was pregnant with his child and now he wanted her to marry him? This was all way too much to handle in one day.

Which is why Scarlett now found herself pulling away from him, and as she looked into his eyes she could see the hurt there. It was clear he hadn't anticipated this reaction.

"No. I don't wanna get married. Are you crazy? We haven't even been together that long and I don't want to get married just because I'm pregnant! Which by the way, I didn't ask for." Scarlett regretted her words almost instantly as the hurt on his face intensified.

Johnny looked as though he'd been punched and Scarlett felt her heart breaking.

"I'm sorry... That came out wrong. It's just, it's too much to deal with all at once, you know?..."

She tried to close the gap between them, but he wasn't having it, and as he pushed her away and got off the bed, she felt her heart break more. She really screwed up this time.

"Johnny, I - "

"Do you think I asked for any of this? You have no idea how it felt to see you lying there, wondering if you were even going to live, and then being told you were also pregnant. You have no idea what it's like to wonder if you're going to lose everything all at once." Johnny all but hissed at her as he slipped on his shoes. "So don't tell me this is too much for you to deal with. If you loved me, the way I love you, you would understand. But you don't, and I can't force you to."

Scarlett had never seen him so pissed and hurt before and it was honestly the worst thing she'd ever experienced. She wished she could take everything back and redo it with more eloquence this time, but as Johnny turned and left she knew there was no taking it back.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but as Scarlett cried hysterically into her pillow, she found it didn't really matter. She'd driven the love of her life away and she had no idea if he was coming back or if this meant they were broken up. The very thought was terrifying, but what was more terrifying than losing the love of her life was the fact that there was literally a piece of both him and her growing inside of her.

At some point Dixie showed up to attempt to comfort her, but it didn't really help. She'd said that they both knew how Johnny was and that he'd return once he cooled down, and Scarlett really hoped she was right.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now