Chapter 45

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"Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever wanna live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then look around. Drink it in. 'Cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow." - Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

A couple days later, Roy once again sat vigil at Johnny's bedside, having finally convinced Scarlett to leave and go to bed herself. She'd most likely never leave Johnny's side if it was entirely up to her. It was cute, actually, how Johnny had finally found someone who loved him in the way he'd always dreamed.

Roy sighed and rubbed his face with the back of his hand. He was tired, exhausted really. Lately most of his days, and sometimes nights, were spent solely at the hospital, and it was draining. He loved Johnny, he was his partner and best friend after all, but Roy missed his family. Fortunately, Joanne understood why he needed to be here, and Roy found himself incredibly grateful for his always understanding wife.

Without a sound, Roy took hold of Johnny's limp hand and squeezed it, something he'd never dare to do while his younger partner was conscious. Johnny surely would never let him live it down if he were. Letting his eyes roam over his best friend, it was still very apparent how ill he was. The cooling blankets that had been in place for the last several days were still in use but they seemed to be helping to lower the fever at least somewhat.

Regardless, Johnny's fever remained too high for comfort and he seemed to not be responding to the new medications as well as his doctors had hoped. In fact, Brackett was now worried about multiple organ failure.

"Come on, junior, you gotta get better so you can marry the girl of your dreams." Roy said to his unconscious best friend. Then he added. "Yeah, I heard about how you proposed. To tell you the truth, at first I couldn't really believe it because, imagine you of all people getting married. But I get it now."

Roy paused for a second, trying to formulate his next thoughts into words. "You two really love each other. I admit, at first I thought this was just your usual kind of relationship. Ya know, where you're together for maybe a week and then you come into the station telling me about how it didn't work out." Roy smiled slightly at the memory. "But this time is different for you, junior, and I'm so happy for you. You deserve this, you deserve her, and if you don't keep fighting you'll never get to have that."

Deciding to change topics, Roy continued to talk to his unconscious partner. "You need to save me from Brice. I swear I can do no right in his eyes and he's driving me crazy." Roy sighed. "Listen, Johnny, I need you, alright? And not just to save me from 'the walking rulebook'. If you don't get better I..." He couldn't even bring himself to finish his sentence.

At some point Roy must've dozed off as he felt himself being startled awake at the sudden beeping of alarms. Every monitor surrounding Johnny seemed to blare in a sort of sick symphony as Brackett, Early, Dixie, and some nurses entered into the chaos.

"Asystole!" Brackett shouted, quickly going to work ordering everyone around. "Dix, get me 10ccs 1 to 10,000 epinephrine NOW. "

Roy watched in stunned silence as Doctor Brackett injected Johnny with various drugs and Doctor Early performed CPR. The paramedic part of him screamed at him to do something, anything, to help his best friend, but he was rooted in place watching fearfully at the chaos in front of him.

"Roy!" Brackett's voice suddenly pierced through his brain fog and he was suddenly in motion. "Take over for Joe!"

Before he could think about what he was doing, Roy suddenly found himself doing chest compressions on his best friend. The thought made him feel sick. This wasn't just a random victim, this was Johnny lying lifeless underneath him.

"V-Fib!" Brackett called out after what felt like forever. "Roy, hold CPR."

Without a sound, Roy watched as Brackett discharged the current of electricity through his lifeless partner and watched as his body arced upwards. Everyone's eyes were on the heart monitor as the straight line briefly shot up, only to resume its straight form.

"Damn it!" Brackett cursed the monitor as if it had personally offended him. "No conversion. Come on, Johnny, don't do this, son."

Without being told, Roy jumped back into action continuing CPR. He hated to admit it but he was rapidly tiring and losing hope, but he couldn't give up, not on Johnny.

"Let's have another round of Epi," Brackett ordered. "Roy, let Joe take over again."

Although his very soul protested it, he forced himself to let Early take over once more and he found himself speaking to his best friend without realizing.

"Johnny, you can't give up. Come on, junior, please don't do this. Please, Johnny."

Roy watched pitifully as Brackett administered another shock which only brought about the same result.

"Still no conversion." Brackett shook his head sadly, making no movement to continue his ministrations.

The room went silent, the prolonged piercing beep of the heart monitor the only sound.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now