Chapter 2

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Before Scarlett's brain had the chance to fully catch up, she swung and violently jerked away from this strange man, trying to put as much space as possible between them. Unfortunately for her, he was easily able to dodge her swing and was promptly back at her side, this time holding her down.

"Whoa, take it easy, " He told her. "I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Johnny Gage and I'm a paramedic for the LA fire department."

His assurance and introduction did little to calm Scarlett, who quite honestly, would've swung at him again if he hadn't have been pinning her arms down and he seemed to sense this as well.

"Take it easy," He repeated again and his eyes crinkled in confusion. "How'd ya get in here to begin with?"

"I...uh fell." Scarlett mumbled lamely. She remembered now. 2Am. The woods. The stupid cat. Fuck.

She watched as Johnny's eyebrow raised in a "no kidding" expression, but he seemed too polite to outwardly say anything about it. Instead he simply asked her if she was hurt anywhere.

Yeah, my very soul.

"N - no... I'm okay." Scarlett squeaked out. She hated to admit it but looking into his eyes had awakened something deep inside her. Something she hadn't even known still existed within her. The sooner he went away, the better.

"Okay, well I'm just going to check you over, " Johnny spoke in his soothing, professional paramedic voice. "Just tell me if anything hurts, all right?"

Clearly he wasn't waiting for any sort of response as she felt his hands working up her legs, arms and then stomach checking for any sign of injury. Ever since he first touched her Scarlett felt like her entire body had been doused in flames and she could feel the encroaching anxiety attack. Silently she begged herself not to succumb to it. The last thing she needed was to lose it in front of this absolutely perfect man.

Scarlett tried to breathe deeply but the anxiety was winning and he had yet to take his hands off of her and it definitely didn't help that said hands were currently in her hair checking for any physical signs of head injury. This just kept getting worse and worse. She tried to suppress a groan and failed.

"That hurt?" Johnny asked quizzically as he pulled his penlight from his belt pouch and shone it into both of her eyes.

Even in her high anxiety state she didn't miss the look of concern that briefly flashed across his face before it was quickly once again replaced by his mask of trained professionalism.

Next he grabbed her wrist and he must have seen the look on her face because he quickly spoke.

"Now, I'm just going to check your heart rate and then blood pressure. You're fine, you're okay." He soothed and Scarlett couldn't help but think it reminded her of the way someone would attempt to soothe a frightened child. She'd be lying if it wasn't cute as shit though.

Again, she watched him carefully and saw the same expression of concern cross his features before being quickly hidden behind his trained mask.

"We're going to be getting you out of here in a second, don't worry." He stated then turned to yell up to the top of the damned hole she had fallen into all because of a stupid fucking cat... "Send down the stokes! "

Someone yelled something from above in reply.

Scarlett merely just lay there, glad that for the first time since she'd woken up that Johnny wasn't touching her. However her happiness was short lived as he came up beside her again with a basket-like stretcher looking thing.

"Just going to put you in this and the guys up top will pull it up." Johnny said as he slid his hands under her, effortlessly picking her up and placing her into it.

All at once Scarlett felt the fire that his hands on her body had started and the anxiety that she'd been trying so hard to keep at bay consume her. As her breaths turned into pants, she could hear Johnny saying something to her and as everything went black her only thoughts were, shitshitshit.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now