Chapter 33

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Scarlett wasn't sure how long it'd been since Roy had left with the guy who was being a stick in the mud. It felt like forever but she logically knew it had probably only been an hour or two. There still hadn't been any updates on Johnny and it made her nervous. What if he wasn't okay?

Honestly, she wished she had some sort of distraction from the panic and doubt that was eating her up inside. It was almost unbearable not having a cellphone at times. At least with internet access, she could attempt to distract herself with whatever lame mobile games were popular. Really, she'd even do with a Chet distraction, however annoying he may be. Being alone right now was almost criminal.

As if answering her prayers, Roy reappeared, making his way to stand next to her bed again.

"I can't stay for long, but Dix wanted me to tell you Johnny's out of surgery and he's doing pretty well all things considering."

"Considering?" She felt like a moron asking this but still she felt the need for clarification regardless.

"The extent of his injuries. Plus Doc is concerned with the possibility of pneumonia since he's had the flu for the last couple days and he's susceptible to pneumonia as is."

Scarlett took a deep breath. At least he was alive; that was the most important thing here.

"Can I see him?" She asked. That was the second most important thing, even though she didn't know if he'd necessarily even want to see her after their fight. Even if he didn't, she still needed to see for her own eyes that he was okay.

"Not yet. Dix said he's in recovery for an hour or so but we should be able to see him after he's moved into a room." She watched his eyes travel to the door nervously. "I need to be going again, but Dix should be back in, if I'm not back before then."

"Yeah, okay. Have fun with Brice by the way." Scarlett smirked as Roy stiffened.

"" He mumbled as he once again exited the room, leaving Scarlett alone once more.

Letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding, she deflated against her pillows. It was a huge relief to her that Johnny was doing alright, even if she couldn't see him herself yet. Just knowing he was alive was enough for right now.

Suddenly Scarlett snapped back to reality as sudden movement in her room startled her. Apparently she'd let her mind wander for awhile and she hadn't noticed. Oh well. At least it had passed some time which meant she didn't have to sit there being bored out of her mind.

"Hey Dixie." She addressed her newest visitor. "How is Johnny?"

As Dixie was taking her vitals, she smiled thoughtfully at her. "He's doing just fine. Doctors Brackett and Early performed surgery to repair a liver laceration which also included kidney involvement, but he made it through with flying colors." She paused for a second letting Scarlett absorb this new information. "Also fractured his fibula and got a concussion, but he's no stranger to concussions. We'll just have to watch him for awhile to make sure he doesn't have any complications."

"Can I see him now?" Scarlett asked her hopefully. Surely by now it'd be okay.

"I don't see why not, I'm sure he'd love to see you. I can go see about a wheelchair to take you." Upon seeing the face Scarlett made, she added. "Take it or leave it, you shouldn't be trying to walk yet, as well as the fact you're still on the IV for a bit longer."

Dixie's face screamed 'challenge me, I dare you' and Scarlett knew better than to even try, so she merely shut up and nodded as Dixie went to get the wheelchair.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now