Chapter 21

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Scarlett found herself hunched over in front of the toilet for at least the fifth time that morning. Finally her vomiting stopped and she slid to the floor. She knew from the previous day and earlier that morning, that there was no use in bothering to haul herself up because soon it would start again. Also a deciding factor was how absolutely exhausted she felt. Scarlett's entire body seemed to scream at her, as if protesting her every movement. Especially her stomach.

Knowing Johnny would be home from his shift this morning, she knew she needed to get up and off the floor before he found her there. The last thing Scarlett wanted to do was concern him, as he hadn't wanted to even leave her alone to begin with, but as she laid on the cool floor she felt all the desire to move leave her body. The floor felt amazing, not to mention the fact her stomach was beginning to remind her yet again of it's existence.

After yet another round of vomiting, she allowed herself to slide almost spinelessly to the floor. Surely this must be how jellyfish feel. Except maybe the exhaustion. And the vomiting. Huh, maybe that was a bad comparison. Scarlett found she didn't much care. All that mattered right now was how amazing the cool tiled floor felt on her skin.

Scarlett startled awake at the sudden movement of being grabbed and pulled upright into a sitting position. Someone was speaking to her but before her mind had a chance to comprehend everything, her stomach protested the movement and she pulled away from the person holding her. As she retched, the contents of her stomach long gone by this point, she felt someone behind her holding her hair back. Only after it had passed did her mind finally comprehend who exactly was now in the bathroom with her.

With a groan Scarlett slumped back to the floor, however strong arms grabbed her before she could go completely down again. Damn it.

"Whoa, hey, are you okay Scarlett?" Johnny asked her and she found herself looking up to his concerned eyes.

She closed her eyes and groaned again in reply. This was bad. Now that Johnny was here he'd be paramedicing her and looking at her with those damn concerned eyes. This was exactly what she hadn't wanted.

He had seemingly enough on his plate, if the bags under his eyes was any indication, and she didn't want to burden him with her issues as well. Honestly, Scarlett didn't know what was going on with him, but lately he'd looked more tired than usual and it worried her. She hoped he wasn't getting sick as well.

"How long have you been vomiting?" He asked as he held her wrist, counting her pulse. Yep, there it was. The beginning of his paramedicing.

"Since yesterday evening." She mumbled, knowing he wasn't going to like her reply. Sure enough she heard him scoff.

"Yesterday?! Are are kidding me? Why didn't you call me?"

If possible Scarlett seemed to feel worse and she wished she could just disappear. In retrospect, she probably should've called Johnny but hindsight was indeed always 20/20.

"Didn't wanna bother you." She found herself replying lamely. It was the truth, albeit being a pretty flimsy excuse for the truth.

Scarlett heard him scoff again and prepared herself for the lecture that was only imminent. He had every right to be upset after all. However, the lecture never came.

Save Me from the Dark (A John Gage 'Emergency!' love story Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now